Dude, I just want to congratulate you. Good fucking job. Extremely good atmosphere, eargasm audio, what a sight for sore eyes this game is. Cannot wait for part 2. Hopefully it's almost done. Keep up the great work!
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but with a ryzen 5 5600g, 16gb ram and an RTX 2060 on medium / dlss balanced I can barely hit 70 fps and I think that I should have a better performance at least at medium with dlss
how? It’s literally one person making this game. Lol. I bet you’re completely fine with AAA games taking 7 years to develop, only to come out broken, at $70, with day one microtransactions/DLC - yet you’ll criticize a SEVEN dollar game made by one person taking 6 months. Gtfo.
Graphics are absolutely amazing, the tension, the atmosphere, the suspense, it is all there, story is brilliantly told. Only thing, I would also vote for getting rid of entirely or changing the enemy creature from the sneak peek into the next episode. As one of the early commenters already said, the Lost-like smoke monster and the lights themselves retain the mystery and I think it is better to keep it that way. Also when all the people were floating at the end of episode one, I think no creature is needed at all in the center,just the light and the floating people seem creepy enough, also keep more of the mystery, not reveal what is causing it. Kudos for your work, unbelieavble that one man could pull this off, keep up the work, this is absolutely just amazing!
I am not going to lie, this has been the best cosmic alien horror game I have ever played, I am so ready for Episode II when it releases and you bet I will be one of the first to hop onto the bandwagon for it. Please Adam, keep up the great work. you have flabbergasted me with this game 💚
Watched Vinesauce play this months back but just got round to playing it myself. Probably the most atmospheric horror games I've ever played. The visual polish and Annihilation-esque sound design are phenomenal. The only criticisms I have are:
- That the animation was very stiff and rudimentary at times (the deer, the guy's fingers, the aliens, especially the giant one doing a static pose in the light at the end) and as brief as they were, when the visuals are so realistic, they kinda take you out of it.
- No HDR support. I forced it via the usual Unreal ini tweak and it worked almost perfectly but the screen space shaders don't look right (noise, lens flare and bloom are all way too strong). Would be nice to have official support because this game's lighting is perfect for it.
- The aliens come off as kinda goofy and generic, juxtaposed against the thick and mysterious atmosphere. Something more creative (as in Annihilation, Arrival, etc.) would be more interesting. The Lost smoke monster thing was more interesting than the actual aliens.
But the atmosphere was so good that as long as you can keep it up, I will continue to play for that alone.
Picked up a syringe and the UI prompt got stuck on screen. Persisted even to the main menu. Only played for half an hour but seriously enjoying it so far!
holy fucking shit is all i have to say! this game is fucking amazing. had me screaming like a little bitch lmao i really hope they keep going even after the 2nd episode releases. why hasnt this game blown up yet??? IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!
Well..I have never spent money on anything like this before. I’m not one to like, subscribe to a patreon, or buy something from a certain place to get exclusive or early access. Hell, I didn’t even have an Itch.io account till now. I just buy games I like off Steam, or the PS5 etc. But when I came across this game on Reddit…I had to have it. For $7, I feel like I robbed someone. I know this isn’t a complete game yet, but what is present is…incredible. I can’t believe this was made by one person. The whole time I’ve been playing, I just look at the art direction and texture work, and say “really?? This is the work of ONE person?” Keep up the great work, my friend. And to anyone on the fence…just buy it. Support this one man operation!
This game has a level of quality I have not seen in a long time, everything is refined and polish to the extent I was convinced this was made by a team. My only complaint is that there isn't more, but Episode 2 is looking even better and bigger.
Keep up the amazing work, dude, I genuinely can't wait to see this grow into a one-of-a-kind game.
It really feels incredibly well made. Better than a lot of AAA horror games. It's just sad that it's so short in its current state. Can't wait to see more!
HOLA , SOY DE CHILE iii bueno contarte que el juego esta genial me encanto su ambientacion , lo jugue completo en directo , te compre la vercion FOUNDERS EDITION y esotoy esperando la 2 parte , saludos desde muy lejos !!! abrasos , aun no tines fecha para el episodio 2 ???
I really liked your games and I'm very interested in Chordosis, however I tried running the demo on my Steam Deck and even on the minimum settings it is very stuck and with low fps. Do you have any plans to optimize the game for this console?
Hey! Thank you for the feedback! I'll look trough my mails in just a bit, but a quick question.
Have you extracted the game at all? You can run CHORDOSIS from the .zip, but it will be really really slow, and you can't save that way. I recommend using the official itch.io app for managing larger games like mine.
This is literally the best alien encounter game I have ever played. Everything that I would imagine in a "hostile invasion" is in this game. The vibes, the creepy factor, all the way down to the way the sound design is. I can't say enough good things about this game, it's INSANELY good. I can't wait for episode two, it's going to be phenomenal!
Just bought this game and I'm trying to make a video on it, but no matter what I do, when I get to the first dialogue part (back door of gas station), it becomes a slide show. INSANE performance drop and all of my usages shoot up to 100%. After the dialogue, everything is smooth as butter again. Currently, this game is unplayable for me which is extremely disappointing. Not a happy camper after paying money and not being able to play.
Hey, I think "After the dialogue, everything is smooth as butter again." is a good clue that this is not a performance issue. In fact, while in dialogue, there's almost nothing to render out, and it's a relatively simple part of the game for the CPU.
This could be an issue with more than one application "fighting" over the Windows cursor capture, and probably an another software won, so CHORDOSIS got unfocused. that's why after the in-game cursor disappears, things go back to smooth.
if that happens, click outside the game and click back in, to make sure CHORDOSIS is focused. You can test this by just clicking outside the game any time and you'll receive about 8 fps.
Truly hope this helps, and hope you'll have fun with my game!
That makes sense. I'll try that and see how it goes. The game looks phenomenal which is why I'm so disappointed. I watched the demo on YouTube some time ago and I was so intrigued by it. More alien type games like this need to be on the market, it's such an untapped genre that when I seen this game (and that the founder's edition now exists), I immediately purchased haha. Sorry if I came off as "that guy" but I REALLY want to play this game lol. I will try what you said and report back! Also not sure why my original comment got a -1, is this not where we post feedback? Lol.
Already played it and made a video, I'll post it once it's up! Thank you again! This is literally the best alien-genre game I've ever played and I can't wait for the next episode. Holy crap I was blown away! Amazing work man.
Loved the Silent Hill 2/Promise easter egg. The other one I found sounds kinda like the quake 3 announcer buut I'm not sure.. Wonder how many more secrets there are.
Hello, I love this so far, however the biggest issue i am experiencing is while playing on a 32:9 screen when i pull up the inventory it is not scaled correctly and is too large to be able to see everything. Thank you for the experience so far!
Love this so far just played it. One issue though :/ i am playing on a controller and every time i move around and or with something equipped, the inventory thing keeps popping up and cant shoot and or use things with it in the way. Its every time i move. Any suggestions?
Hey! Thank you for the kind words and for the feedback!
When your hands are empty, I programmed in a feature when you hold down the LMB or the LT, the game will auto equips your last used weapon or module. Unreal is in front of me rn and I'll look into this ASAP!
I have dedicated "last_active_GG" variable for this, mainly for the save system (so when you load the game you'll have the same weapon equipped) but that might be bugged out. A game restart should actually solve everything.
This is simply game-handcrafting at its finest. Superb ambient music and just-in-point immersive narrative. Perfectly balanced factors in this first episode. Hats off!
Hey Adam! Where can I go to support you further? I went to the Patreon link but it just shows your profile which says "This member isn’t supporting any creators at the moment." and I'm not seeing any of your projects to support. Apologies if I'm missing something.
Hey, Thank you so so much! It truly means a lot!!!
My Patreon is in the dark for now, but it will go live when I have a significant lot to give back to my supporters. I have some smaller projects for Patreons only, and CHORDOSIS VR will be released there first at some point. Hopefully it will be accessible in this summer, but I'm still working on that. My Patreon will be well planned out from the beginning with weekly releases with at least 4 months of content already in the works, and I'm looking forward to build a community there as well. Some of these content are screenshots, and videos, but there will be some old-ass never before seen projects of mine. So, that's going to be embarrassingly fun I guess lol
And once again, thank you so so so much for your support, and interest in my games. I have a Ko-Fi page where you can further support me.
Thank you!
Edit: oh uh and I also have plans to release the CHORDOSIS OST there, and a detailed sound effects guide with downloadables.
I would be incredibly happy about a "native" VR version of your game. I tried it out briefly today with praydog's UEVR injector. It's unbelievable how well the game performs and looks in VR. However, the controls with the injector are not even remotely usable. A native VR version with motion controllers would be perfect for the game. Everything is already physically based anyway. Is a native VR version still on your "roadmap"? Is there already an approximate (non-binding) schedule for when the VR version will be released? When it comes out, which platform do you want to sell it on? Is there something like an early access for the VR version? Shutup and take my money :D :D
Hey, I would absolutely like to do that, but not in the near future.
These Windows builds/updates sometimes takes weeks to test out before I finally able to release them, and with the episodic nature of CHORDOSIS, a MacOS release would delay stuff significantly.
Besides that I'm also simultaneously working on a separate VR release, so I'll add MacOS to the list for sure!
Thank you for asking tho, the higher the demand for a MacOS release the sooner it comes.
Currently I think it will be possible after the EP3.
Hey! Thank you for the feedback and the kind words!!!!! Yeah, I had a similar itch, so I decided to make a game that scratching it lol
A Win64 release will never behave the same as a dedicated MacOS vesion.
I've heard people running my game with Wine9.2 successfully, but it crashes VERY often. I'm not sure, but I think it's the regular DLSS checks, with windows hardware cursor change failing big time with the Windows focusing on the active process.
These will be the first few things I would solve with a MacOS version, but it goes reallyreally deep...
Feel free to hack around with CHORDOSIS as you'd like tho, I actually really appreciate everyone who find my game interesting, but if you decided you couldn't wait for a proper MacOS release, you could just refund the whole thing and that's completely fine.
Thank you again Dylan, I really appreciate your interest!
thanks so much for the awesome reply. i look forward to it, someday! will it go on Steam?
i watched a play-through on youtube (since i can't exactly play it) and i love this atmosphere. exactly what i'd like to see in a sci-fi/horror game about aliens. really amazing atmosphere and i hope you do some merch or enamel pins or *something* haha. great job!
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Dude, I just want to congratulate you. Good fucking job. Extremely good atmosphere, eargasm audio, what a sight for sore eyes this game is. Cannot wait for part 2. Hopefully it's almost done. Keep up the great work!
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but with a ryzen 5 5600g, 16gb ram and an RTX 2060 on medium / dlss balanced I can barely hit 70 fps and I think that I should have a better performance at least at medium with dlss
upcoming chapters are going to be free for those who purchase the founders edition now? or will it be a separated purchase?
Hey, Absolutely not!
All the upcoming episodes will be just a free update for everyone who owns the CHORDOSIS - FOUNDERS EDITION.
Edit: so far as I'm testing stuff out, it seems like it's gonna be a 2gig update, but it"s really hard to keep my memory footprint relatively low.
cool 😎✨ take your time buddy, you can't hurry art.
Thank you! :)
Any updates on Part 2?
6 months waiting for "90% finished" part 2 is a bit suspect
how? It’s literally one person making this game. Lol. I bet you’re completely fine with AAA games taking 7 years to develop, only to come out broken, at $70, with day one microtransactions/DLC - yet you’ll criticize a SEVEN dollar game made by one person taking 6 months. Gtfo.
This game is fucking amazing.
If you're not 100% sure about buying then please just watch the intro to my YouTube video.
the sound 🤤
Thank you!!! <3
Graphics are absolutely amazing, the tension, the atmosphere, the suspense, it is all there, story is brilliantly told. Only thing, I would also vote for getting rid of entirely or changing the enemy creature from the sneak peek into the next episode. As one of the early commenters already said, the Lost-like smoke monster and the lights themselves retain the mystery and I think it is better to keep it that way. Also when all the people were floating at the end of episode one, I think no creature is needed at all in the center,just the light and the floating people seem creepy enough, also keep more of the mystery, not reveal what is causing it. Kudos for your work, unbelieavble that one man could pull this off, keep up the work, this is absolutely just amazing!
When will the game be available on Steam ?
I am not going to lie, this has been the best cosmic alien horror game I have ever played, I am so ready for Episode II when it releases and you bet I will be one of the first to hop onto the bandwagon for it. Please Adam, keep up the great work. you have flabbergasted me with this game 💚
Watched Vinesauce play this months back but just got round to playing it myself. Probably the most atmospheric horror games I've ever played. The visual polish and Annihilation-esque sound design are phenomenal. The only criticisms I have are:
- That the animation was very stiff and rudimentary at times (the deer, the guy's fingers, the aliens, especially the giant one doing a static pose in the light at the end) and as brief as they were, when the visuals are so realistic, they kinda take you out of it.
- No HDR support. I forced it via the usual Unreal ini tweak and it worked almost perfectly but the screen space shaders don't look right (noise, lens flare and bloom are all way too strong). Would be nice to have official support because this game's lighting is perfect for it.
- The aliens come off as kinda goofy and generic, juxtaposed against the thick and mysterious atmosphere. Something more creative (as in Annihilation, Arrival, etc.) would be more interesting. The Lost smoke monster thing was more interesting than the actual aliens.
But the atmosphere was so good that as long as you can keep it up, I will continue to play for that alone.
So how far in should I expect the aliens to appear?
i bought the founders edition but im still not sure what the exclusive episode even is
hello, I was curious when the full chapter 2 will be out.
ditto! more please! :D
yeeeees weee neeeed moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....pls :)
I'm home alone and it's dark and I couldn't last more than 3 minutes in :,,,^)
keep getting this with demo download :(
holy fucking shit is all i have to say! this game is fucking amazing. had me screaming like a little bitch lmao i really hope they keep going even after the 2nd episode releases. why hasnt this game blown up yet??? IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!
Well..I have never spent money on anything like this before. I’m not one to like, subscribe to a patreon, or buy something from a certain place to get exclusive or early access. Hell, I didn’t even have an Itch.io account till now. I just buy games I like off Steam, or the PS5 etc. But when I came across this game on Reddit…I had to have it. For $7, I feel like I robbed someone. I know this isn’t a complete game yet, but what is present is…incredible. I can’t believe this was made by one person. The whole time I’ve been playing, I just look at the art direction and texture work, and say “really?? This is the work of ONE person?” Keep up the great work, my friend. And to anyone on the fence…just buy it. Support this one man operation!
Best 7 bucks I've spent.
This game has a level of quality I have not seen in a long time, everything is refined and polish to the extent I was convinced this was made by a team. My only complaint is that there isn't more, but Episode 2 is looking even better and bigger.
Keep up the amazing work, dude, I genuinely can't wait to see this grow into a one-of-a-kind game.
This Game Really Blew me out of the Water and it DOES FEEL LIKE a AAA Horror Game. Excited for chapter 2!!!
It really feels incredibly well made. Better than a lot of AAA horror games. It's just sad that it's so short in its current state. Can't wait to see more!
HOLA , SOY DE CHILE iii bueno contarte que el juego esta genial me encanto su ambientacion , lo jugue completo en directo , te compre la vercion FOUNDERS EDITION y esotoy esperando la 2 parte , saludos desde muy lejos !!! abrasos , aun no tines fecha para el episodio 2 ???
Hello, Adam. All good?
I really liked your games and I'm very interested in Chordosis, however I tried running the demo on my Steam Deck and even on the minimum settings it is very stuck and with low fps. Do you have any plans to optimize the game for this console?
Unfortunately on my pc it runs extremely slow and doesn't want to load the saved games. I've sent the developer an email. Waiting to hear back
Hey! Thank you for the feedback!
I'll look trough my mails in just a bit, but a quick question.
Have you extracted the game at all? You can run CHORDOSIS from the .zip, but it will be really really slow, and you can't save that way.
I recommend using the official itch.io app for managing larger games like mine.
This is literally the best alien encounter game I have ever played. Everything that I would imagine in a "hostile invasion" is in this game. The vibes, the creepy factor, all the way down to the way the sound design is. I can't say enough good things about this game, it's INSANELY good. I can't wait for episode two, it's going to be phenomenal!
Bought this on a whim, looks quite promising!
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Hi Adam! When will second episode be realsed?
I bought the game two times by an error , how do i contact customer service equisde , Its a really good game :)
Hey, Thank you! :)
Contact the itch.io support via email at support@itch.io
Their support is lovely, it should be quick and easy, but if you need further assistance, I'm here to help.
I have tried the demo! sincerely this game has a future... I really liked the theme.
I would love to be able to buy it to give my absolute support to your project but it is very expensive for my region where I am living.
Good luck in your project and success!
Thank you so much!!!
I've made a weekend sale of 40% OFF of CHORDOSIS for the sake of your comment.
Best of luck to you as well!
damn dude generous guy <3
Just bought this game and I'm trying to make a video on it, but no matter what I do, when I get to the first dialogue part (back door of gas station), it becomes a slide show. INSANE performance drop and all of my usages shoot up to 100%. After the dialogue, everything is smooth as butter again. Currently, this game is unplayable for me which is extremely disappointing. Not a happy camper after paying money and not being able to play.
Hey, I think "After the dialogue, everything is smooth as butter again." is a good clue that this is not a performance issue. In fact, while in dialogue, there's almost nothing to render out, and it's a relatively simple part of the game for the CPU.
This could be an issue with more than one application "fighting" over the Windows cursor capture, and probably an another software won, so CHORDOSIS got unfocused. that's why after the in-game cursor disappears, things go back to smooth.
if that happens, click outside the game and click back in, to make sure CHORDOSIS is focused. You can test this by just clicking outside the game any time and you'll receive about 8 fps.
Truly hope this helps, and hope you'll have fun with my game!
That makes sense. I'll try that and see how it goes. The game looks phenomenal which is why I'm so disappointed. I watched the demo on YouTube some time ago and I was so intrigued by it. More alien type games like this need to be on the market, it's such an untapped genre that when I seen this game (and that the founder's edition now exists), I immediately purchased haha. Sorry if I came off as "that guy" but I REALLY want to play this game lol. I will try what you said and report back! Also not sure why my original comment got a -1, is this not where we post feedback? Lol.
Just tested it and that was it! Thank you so much for the response! I'm so excited to play!
Thank you! Have fun with CHORDOSIS!
Already played it and made a video, I'll post it once it's up! Thank you again! This is literally the best alien-genre game I've ever played and I can't wait for the next episode. Holy crap I was blown away! Amazing work man.
Loved the Silent Hill 2/Promise easter egg. The other one I found sounds kinda like the quake 3 announcer buut I'm not sure.. Wonder how many more secrets there are.
Oh, love to hear that!!! There's a lot haha
I love this so far, however the biggest issue i am experiencing is while playing on a 32:9 screen when i pull up the inventory it is not scaled correctly and is too large to be able to see everything. Thank you for the experience so far!
Hey Adam, any updates on episode 2? It was said to be 90% finished back in September.
Love this so far just played it. One issue though :/ i am playing on a controller and every time i move around and or with something equipped, the inventory thing keeps popping up and cant shoot and or use things with it in the way. Its every time i move. Any suggestions?
Thank you for the kind words and for the feedback!
When your hands are empty, I programmed in a feature when you hold down the LMB or the LT, the game will auto equips your last used weapon or module. Unreal is in front of me rn and I'll look into this ASAP!
I have dedicated "last_active_GG" variable for this, mainly for the save system (so when you load the game you'll have the same weapon equipped) but that might be bugged out.
A game restart should actually solve everything.
Thank you for the feedback!
This is simply game-handcrafting at its finest. Superb ambient music and just-in-point immersive narrative. Perfectly balanced factors in this first episode. Hats off!
Looking forward to chapter 2!
Thank you so so much! It truly means a lot!!!
My Patreon is in the dark for now, but it will go live when I have a significant lot to give back to my supporters.
I have some smaller projects for Patreons only, and CHORDOSIS VR will be released there first at some point.
Hopefully it will be accessible in this summer, but I'm still working on that.
My Patreon will be well planned out from the beginning with weekly releases with at least 4 months of content already in the works, and I'm looking forward to build a community there as well. Some of these content are screenshots, and videos, but there will be some old-ass never before seen projects of mine. So, that's going to be embarrassingly fun I guess lol
And once again, thank you so so so much for your support, and interest in my games.
I have a Ko-Fi page where you can further support me.
Thank you!
Edit: oh uh and I also have plans to release the CHORDOSIS OST there, and a detailed sound effects guide with downloadables.
I would be incredibly happy about a "native" VR version of your game. I tried it out briefly today with praydog's UEVR injector. It's unbelievable how well the game performs and looks in VR. However, the controls with the injector are not even remotely usable. A native VR version with motion controllers would be perfect for the game. Everything is already physically based anyway. Is a native VR version still on your "roadmap"? Is there already an approximate (non-binding) schedule for when the VR version will be released? When it comes out, which platform do you want to sell it on? Is there something like an early access for the VR version? Shutup and take my money :D :D
sorry if this has been asked before... any chance for a macos edition? would love to check this out on my mac mini.
I would absolutely like to do that, but not in the near future.
These Windows builds/updates sometimes takes weeks to test out before I finally able to release them, and with the episodic nature of CHORDOSIS, a MacOS release would delay stuff significantly.
Besides that I'm also simultaneously working on a separate VR release, so I'll add MacOS to the list for sure!
Thank you for asking tho, the higher the demand for a MacOS release the sooner it comes.
Currently I think it will be possible after the EP3.
Yeah, I'd love to play this game it looks so cool :( definitely one of a kind and one that scratches an itch I've had for a long time.
I tried running it through whisky since I've had luck with windows version steam games, but it wouldn't run.
Do you happen to know if there's a specific way I would need to configure things to get it to work with Whisky/Wine?
Thank you for the feedback and the kind words!!!!!
Yeah, I had a similar itch, so I decided to make a game that scratching it lol
A Win64 release will never behave the same as a dedicated MacOS vesion.
I've heard people running my game with Wine9.2 successfully, but it crashes VERY often. I'm not sure, but I think it's the regular DLSS checks, with windows hardware cursor change failing big time with the Windows focusing on the active process.
These will be the first few things I would solve with a MacOS version, but it goes reallyreally deep...
Feel free to hack around with CHORDOSIS as you'd like tho, I actually really appreciate everyone who find my game interesting, but if you decided you couldn't wait for a proper MacOS release, you could just refund the whole thing and that's completely fine.
Thank you again Dylan, I really appreciate your interest!
thanks so much for the awesome reply. i look forward to it, someday! will it go on Steam?
i watched a play-through on youtube (since i can't exactly play it) and i love this atmosphere. exactly what i'd like to see in a sci-fi/horror game about aliens. really amazing atmosphere and i hope you do some merch or enamel pins or *something* haha. great job!