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So, I got to say, congrats on what you did here. I came here after watching CJUGames playthrough of the Founder's Edition. While watching the playthrough, I realized how much we share ideologically in regards to game design decisions and progression techniques. You brought a massive grin to my face. What a pleasant f#$@ed up game. It was an addicting and engaging experience with excellent diegetic UI, impressive visuals, good optimization, perfect soundscape and audio.

You have me invested. It may not be much, but I did throw a bit more money your way. I'll be waiting for the next update to play it myself. I WILL FIND the time to play it. Keep up the amazing work. 

my playthough of first episode cant wait to play next episode

This is a particularly successful first episode! I have greatly appreciated the possibility of choosing the game mode (thus allowing those who have difficulty with the action phases to enjoy the universe without being stuck by the first fight ^^). The subject covered is very interesting, and above all presented in an effective and original way. But above all it's difficult to remain unmoved by the graphics with extremely detailed textures, the lights of every scene, the audio which sets a distressing atmosphere by itself, as well as the original objects like the inventory, and the magnificently managed camera movements (discreet movements , even if immobile, to represent the hero's breathing). It's an episode that really makes you want to discover more. I join each player here in expressing my impatience with the release of the next episodes (obviously hoping that the action sessions will be optional in the "exploration" mode). I also appreciate the strong support for, even if the game is also released on Steam (you have to earn a living): many developers took advantage of as a springboard before turning definitively to Steam, forgetting that without and its supporters on this website, their game would not have been possible. Wishing you excellent continuation.

I've seen that if you set it on easy, you can explore more and in detail without having to worry about dangers. you should check it out that way, at least once, through the first episode. You'll get your exploration mode youre hoping for, in a sense


I've already noticed this game mode, since it's the one I obviously chose to play this first episode. My remark was more focused on the next episodes, given that in the final preview, we have to shoot an alien: I therefore submitted the hope that this kind of phase would be optional, ultra-easy, or even removed, in the mode dedicated to exploration, to allow everyone to find their rhythm and gaming pleasure in this exciting universe.

I gotcha, having a gun to fight the alien kinda breaks the emersion a little, because you feel like youre in control and can fight back. I guess its possible he could make a mode that makes it similar to how SOMA's mechanics are in dealing with entities, with no weaponry. That would actually be kinda cool and scary AF

Ahoy! I am watching a frind playing it and it looks really nice, good job!

PD: My friend has little idea of english so i am trying to help him on stream... Is there a way I could translate your game into spanish?

(1 edit)

I've noticed people scripting it, go through the story again slowly and write down what everything you read says (But Translated to Spanish). then have your friend voice over the reading parts in editing. Just make sure to give a little extra time of recording the notes and stuff, so you can edit in the voice over and just delete the excess you don't need on video.

I just want to translate the text - I already did with Labyrinthine.
The problem is I have no idea about how to edit the files for that, they can just send me the file to edit it myself 

oh ok I gotcha, unfortunately I dont know where that file location is in this game to do that. Sorry, I really wish I could help you out, but you're probably right if you ask Adam he would probably be able to help you. Just send him a message to his email


I kept telling my friends how big Unreal 5 was gonna be, and noone seemed to care. If this is what an indie dev can do with this, imagine whats to come

Amazing Episode 1 cant wait to see more

Full Play Founder Edition No Commentay


This game was amazing! The graphics were so realistic. Can't wait for Episode 2. Grtea Job! I Live Streamed this so go check it out. Max Settings!

Not that this game needs it, but I'm going to do all I can to promote it. This is stellar work in all avenues, a masterwork in game development. Everything from storytelling, stunning visuals, and incredible audio design, this game has it all. Needless to say, I cannot wait for episode 2. Well done, dev! You have a bright future ahead of you.

Whaat, seriously, 2 hours after I buy it there's a 30% off sale? :|

Enjoying it though !


Absolutely enjoyed the demo and will be purchasing the full game! Love the style , the atmosphere and the gameplay! Keep up the good work! I did have some dropped frames in the broken down house. But nothing too bad.

what's the best settings to enjoy to game ?

im getting really grainy graphics


I haven't even started playing this yet, but I bought it and am downloading it and CANNOT WAIT!

Good afternoon!!

I saw above the thumbnail of Genuine playing this title and I searched for it directly, I really want to try it!! It looks scary!!

I speak in Spanish, here I use the translator. I'm going to take it to my channels and the only thing you will be able to understand will be my screams of terror when I get scared xD but well...

When it comes out on Steam, will the Founders version still be available to buy here? I understood that yes, but I don't know. When I can I would like to buy it, just for the fact of having something exclusive and being able to support :p

The truth is that it is a very good platform to promote games and hopefully be a catapult for creators, there is a lot of talent!!

Anyway, then I stop by to leave the specific game, although my channel is this:

See you later!!


Looking forward to being able to play episode 2. This game has a lot of potential and i am enthralled with the audio and visuals so far. 


Hi! will the next episodes be included for free with the main game? nThanks and good job!!


Of course, all the upcoming content will be included in the founders edition.
Thank you! :)


Purchased!! Keep on doin your great job!!

this is Unreal 5?? holy crap...this game is nuts!



Hey developer,

This was one of the best indie horror games I played this year. Do you have any plans on adding more languages? I currently work as a part-time translator for a Korean game youtuber and I would like to send you a Korean translation to the game if you decide to add language options.


Absolutely incredible job on this Adam! I love the environments, visuals were stunning and the audio was fantastic. I love how much interaction there was with things too. Looking forward to the next part!


Insane game


This is insanely well put together and I'm very impressed. The world is so detailed and interesting. I can't wait for the next episode.

Pretty cool game so far. I definitely like what I'm seeing and it's pretty interesting to explore the areas. I gotta admit though, I felt a bit underwhelmed when it ended. I think maybe the game page set my expectations a little higher than they should've been, I don't know. It's a cool start though but it just felt like a long prologue to me. I'll be back for another episode for sure though. Thanks!


amazing, eager to play more

I bought it already and donate a small amount for u Buddy. Just keep IT going man, Ur game looks amazing and I like everything about IT specialy true Story about your village. Greetings from

Croatia 🇧🇬🇭🇷

i really like your game and looking forward to episode 2. Is there a way to change the fov? 

Thank you! It means a lot! :)

CHORDOSIS has the relatively high FOV of 105.

Which is somewhat against the "typical" horror formula, but I liked the wide angle.
The FOV is also dynamic and changing based on your health, ladders, running, or during melee,etc..

I could try to pass FOV options to the player, but after about 108, the viewport starts to fall apart.

So, as I'm open about every recommendations for the options, I just don't think I could go above 105, it's pretty much maxed out.
But, in the other hand.. if you'd like to lower to FOV, well, then that would be interesting to see.

I'll already have plans to expand the options menu on Wednesday,
maybe adding a FOV slider as well, but that gonna be soo much testing lol
I will be really careful with this.

Thank you,

Its good. I was just curious since i was playing on an ultrawide monitor.  I got used to it though and really enjoyed the play through. Thanks for the response. I will be ready to play next episode. 

Bele néztünk Streamben ;)


Amazing game, the atmosphere is incredible, the sounds are amazing dear lord!! And the visuals too, along with great performance even without DLSS in 4K with a RTX3080Ti above 60FPS. Great job man. Can't wait for more!! ;)

Good game , bought already .


Here's a link to the livestream I did yesterday. This is not promotional it's only for the developer's feedback. Thanks again Adam for developing such a great experience!

(2 edits)

As soon as I get home I try it in depth, it's been a long time since I've seen something like your game, with that atmosphere so well done, so gloomy and sinister, I have mixed feelings since I don't know how you managed by chance to express in a game so many of my deepest fears and nightmares in the deepest part of my being, it is as if you had gotten into my head and seen the terror that lived in my childhood, success in your future updates, greetings from Latin America.


At this point I would say this is my game of the year.
Looking at what AAA studios release and comparing this with this amazing experience done by just one developer freaks me out. The atmosphere, sound, story, everything is top notch. I even had to stop a few times while playing to take screenshots (the one I use as thumbnail is my desktop wallpaper now).
I can't wait for episode two and I think that one will be even better than the first one.
Very glad that there were no cheap jumpscares used to build that dark and eerie atmosphere, which goes perfectly with the sounddesign. More than once I looked around if anything is walking around me, because I hear something from the side.
I would recommend this game to everyone who likes creepy surroundings and some mysteries to be solved.
Will play this episode again a few times just to look around even more and I guess I missed a few places before going through that wall, so there might be even more discoveries for me.

Keep up the good work and I will watch the upcoming episodes with great interest.

Part 2 of episode 1:

(1 edit)

Thanks, very hard and beautiful work! I by this game and keep support creator 💪

Waiting another episode! Very scarce!

Thank you Adam, but in future is more hard work, so no relax please ☺️💪👍

Game looks amazing. I must say that it blows my mind what a small team can do vs the newest AAA games, like Starfield... Playing this game I simply don't understand how this looks so good. Keep it up, I hope your game blows it!!

How to solve the post-credits puzzle ?

I did it ! That was hard bro


Excellent game! I hope there are many more episodes coming. What a game!!

Azt a sárga DSLL izét el lehet távolítani a képernyőről?


Köszönöm, a visszajelzést.
Igen, már javítottam is.
A frissítés nemsokára elérhető lesz.


Szuper! Nagyon hangulatos a falu.


Wow, what an awesome experience! Great job, I can't wait for episode 2. The best indie horror game I played in 2023 so far.

How do i disable the yellow message on top of the screen?

Dlss not supported

Also it says: DisableAllScreenMessages to supress

Thanks for the feedback.

I fixed it!
No more annoying messages.

An update will be up shortly with a couple other changes.



just found this game and the screenshots look amazing (thinking about using the one with that old church as my wallpaper).
I'm totally excited to play this later this day.
I will provide a gameplay video when I'm done.

Awesome to hear that!
Absolutely cant wait to see it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing horror game! Totally recommended!
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