Damn it Adam! just finished the Founder Edition 1st chapter, just give me the second chapter or I will go and get you (mmm kind of far away now in Argentina... but just wait). Excellent... you made a piece of experience here. Will try to solve the main screen puzzle that with the QR code for now. BUT GIME ME 2nd (not mind if it is bugged) chapter man! thanks!
Hi there, just starting to play the game but in red lettering it says “texture streaming pool” in the top left of my screen, and under that, it says DisableAllScreenMessages and I can’t figure out how to do it. I pressed the ‘ key and nothing happens. Very new to PC gaming so I have no idea what I’m doing
The game is packaged probably in development build. The issue: texture streaming pool means that the game needs to allow the usage on VRAM more. But apparently it is currently a capped. If you find a way to open the console try to write the console command r.Streaming.PoolSize 'VRAM' I guess the game allows max 1000mb VRAM try to write r.Streaming.PoolSize 2000 and this should fix the issue. (it's not a big issue, you will only see some textures blurry and might some performance issues if you can't open the console and increase the streaming pool)
So, my unprofessional ass packaged and released CHORDOSIS with 'debug messages', but I quickly updated the game to a build without it back in September last year, and also I pushed so many builds/updates since then with the same exact frontend.
@mhellyar Could you please tell me what's the version of CHORDOSIS you running? (just press "v" while ingame, or enable the "version/revision text" in the options menu.) You might playing with a really really old build lol.
@Synax You are absolutely right, but I have r.Streaming.PoolSize 3200 by default and I also not using r.Streaming.UseFixedPoolSize, to keep it somewhat dynamic. Also, after detecting an above RTX 20** card with at least 6gbvram the game auto resolves to the command of r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed in the first boot. It's just a line in the persistent level. At first this was scary, but I spent a lot of time testing this out, and the RT build of the game never went above 4000. Mostly cause the tight level streaming I have with my own culling for particles and such. (uh, and static culling in CHORDOSIS is also ridiculous haha. that fog you know.. lol) I'm also not really using 4K texture maps, so that cuts a lot.
I'm really looking forward to resolve this tho, and thank you for the feedback!
The game was amazing. But there are three things I found while playing. One being slightly annoying (In my opinion) and the other being game-breaking. The game-breaking bug I found was when you move big stuff in your inventory they'll overlap with the other items you have. The slightly annoying (In my opinion) thing when I was playing was the ladder, every time I got on it, it would make an insanely loud noise and I didn't want to turn down the volume for the emersion of the insanely great game you made.
One thing I highly recommend you add is the feature to have custom controls in the settings. I don't like that I can't change crouch from ctrl. to c.
Can't wait till episode two comes out and I wish you the best of luck in the process of making it.
Thank you for the feedback! As just a dude making this game, it's really really helpful to get these. Thank you!
Well, I rewrote the inventory system for the forth time already lol, and I think it's finally stable within a bigger scale. (the invsys was by far the most complicated, challenging but fun thing I've ever made so far)
The inventory item detection (the thing that bugged out), was worked well till around 40 fps, but when it came to 80 and above it started to break apart. As of now, I finally have a relatively decent pc to work with, thanks to the overwhelming support around my game, but I've made CHORDOSIS on a really old low end 12years old CPU, so I had no chance to get my frames above around 65 at an absolutely max. This was okay, for optimizing a relatively realistic game like mine for wider range of configs, but it also come with the downsides inside my code.
As of further development, I'm still using my oldass config for testing to achieve that 60fps on it. Optimizing is a pain in the bumbum but it's just so well worth it and I really do care!
And about the control bindings, I already coded them in to the game, but its just really buggy so far, so the option is not expanded to players right now, it's hidden. But of course, there will be more options for it in the future. I actually have a cool ass menu for that :D
Thank you again for the feedback and for all of the kind words! Truly means a lot!
Just finished the first chapter, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and sound design, amazing work! I would like to make some suggestions and a bit of bug reporting.
I only found one single big flaw in the game so far, and its the lack of accessibility options, especially for motion sickness, I wouldn't say my motion sickness tolerance is the lowest, but theres a few things that always get me, FOV, excessive camera sway/bob, and camera drag or mouse smoothness.
I've read one of your replies about the FOV being set around 105, but I felt it was way too small for me, but I'ill add the fact I was originally running the game on Ultrawide, I had to change it to 16:9, and after that the FOV felt a little better.
Also, this might be an aspect ratio problem but the Letterbox Always On option broke the "inventory" (very clever BTW, I LOVED IT)
Had some minor bugs, like getting stuck on fences and whatnot, but I'm a little shit that likes to break games by trying to parkour and skip stuff xD
Overall very impressed with the vision and future of the project, loved the final segment of the chapter, very cool looking, very excited for Episode 2!
Hey, Thank you for the awesome feedback, it's really helpful!
There's a lot happening around with my game in these weeks, and mostly on the law side of things, now my tax has been raised from 30% to 60% in Hungary... kinda wild and sad.. But everything was noted and I'm really thankful!!!
From the beginning I always had a big focus on accessibility, so there will be more settings to that in the future. Some of them are already there but buggy and hidden lol. Uh, and also, I have a friend who owns this insane screen with a 32:9 ratio, and she's helping me out testing CHORDOSIS on it. (thanks Maya)
These new features will be pushed with the release of the second episode (mostly, but some maybe earlier), which is gonna be a just an update for all the founders here.
So far this game is really good. Two things I noticed so far in my first playthrough, one a QoL thing and one a minor bug. For QoL, a toggle crouch option would be ideal. The bug was I tried to take a chunk of concrete out of the garage at the gas station to bash the doors with and it disappeared from my hands.
bro for some reason I just now am trying the demo and I can't even explain how excited I am for the rest of the game to release, so well done with the little bit ive played and incredibly smooth
This is such an amazingly atmospheric game that I was as floored as other content creators covering it like Hollow. The user interface is clean, the grammar and punctuation of English is pretty polished, no strange, jarring or comical voices that break your immersion.
A lot of good things to say but I will also say that the timing of when to show an event that freaks you out is also something this game is doing well since we are so conditioned to seeing the object of fear (entity like a ghost, demon, etc) earlier in other games that the effect may be lessened over time. With that said, that thing was pretty freaky to look at -- the lighting is PHENOMENAL in this game, just screensaver worthy.
The locations, surrounding objects, visual style is very solid. What is stellar is the audio design which is out of this world. So far the game is very short and I am waiting eagerly for more. But my biggest FEAR is that the game will become a shooter. I really hope the horror will come first and fighting will be secondary.
WOW! Just WOW! This is by far THE BEST ALIEN HORROR GAME I have ever played, and one of the BEST INDIE HORROR GAMES I have ever come across! Im Impressed with what the developer has achieved creating this game all by himself, i can not wait for the next episodes! 10/10!
Here is my playthough on YOUTUBE, you can see how terrified i was while playing this game!
I had such a blast playing this game. The audio design is amazing. The map is so atmospheric ( if that's the right word for it) Just everything was so well made. It was about 1 hour long but it felt like 20 min. The only thing I wanna comment is when you have the gun. It's a bit to close on the face but other than that IT WAS AN FANTASTIC JOB. I can't wait to see more updates on this game. Don't stress on the game, take your time. There's also a whole message for u ( if you watch the videos people post )
Hey, amazing work!! I purchased this to play on my new 4090 based machine with triple 4k monitors - I'm running it at 3 x 1440 (100fps on ultra :) and it looks incredible but there seems to be a problem with the field of view being incorrect (should be a lot wider) and I can't find any way to change this - it means the top and bottom of the inventory etc is cut off majorly when I equip it, and things don't generally look right (e.g. way too zoomed in). Is there an ini file hack or fix I can apply? I want to be able to experience it as intended the first time I play it and using full triple-widescreen as the immersion is crazy. Please let me know! :D Thanks
Two months ago I purchased the founders edition, which I turned on, set up, played, saved and went to bed. The next day when I wanted to continue, the settings were reverted to the original settings and I couldn't load the saved game because there was none. For reasons I don't understand, the game doesn't want to save any data to the computer.
I looked and I'm not the only one this is happening to. Could you take a look at this please? This is a total game breaking bug.
Also, I've emailed you twice, please, if these emails reporting problems from players are going to your spam folder, maybe it would be a good idea to create some sort of community place where we can report these bugs? Or integrate a bug report system right into the game, what do you think? O.o
Thank you for your understanding and possible answer.
Thank you for reaching out, and thank you for the feedback. Please make sure:
You have free disk space on the drive CHORDOSIS is located and the drive Windows is located.
Make sure you've extracted the game, and it does not run from the compressed .zip file. It's impossible to make save files inside the .zip. (or, just simply use the itch.io app to download the game)
Right click on the "CHORDOSIS - FOUNDERS EDITION.exe" and select 'Run as administrator"
I'll do my best to reply as much as I could, and as quickly as I could. I'm working on a built-in feedback system for CHORDOSIS since the beginning, but it's still not as good as I want it to be. You can press SHIFT+O to open the in-game feedback system.
I'm leaning towards on an official discord server before Steam and/or console releases, where I could even stream some of the development process, and provide more insight into CHORDOSIS. One of my ever main goals is to be absolutely open about the game and it's current state, especially for founders. But as of now, I don't have a capable enough PC to simultaneously develop the game and stream it, but with your support this will change in the next couple months. :)
Hope this helps and hope you'll have fun with my game! Thank you Fenekie, Adam
I don't think I could run any application directly from the archive unless the application was compiled into a single file, i.e. an exe file... :'D
I have enough disk space everywhere for now, so hopefully it will last a long time. I tend to download all possible purchased games directly to my PC... xD
I think I figured out where the problem was... o.o Don't you have it defined in the code that the saved data is saved to a directory with the exact name? O.o Because I unzipped your game to my SDD, I didn't rename the folder and without giving it admin rights, it started saving the data. So I moved it to the HDD where I had it before, just kept the folder name and the data saving kept working. :D So the problem was probably that I renamed the game folder... o.o
If this is indeed the problem, then I would recommend changing the code to save the data to the root directory, not a directory with a specific name... :)
- Atmosphere and Environment : creepy and immersive
- Ambient Sounds and music : chilling and suspenseful
- Episode final is awesome and freaking creepy
- Great game mechanics support (controls)
The cons :
- Storytelling and Narrative : mostly non existent
- Long non playable introduction
- No voice, mostly reading stuff : from my perspective, it breaks the experience (show, don't tell!)
- Should include small puzzles / challenges
- Map around the church is messy and not easy to understand
- Really not sure about the click and drag function to open doors ... Initialy, I though the version was buggy first until a realize I needed to drag ...
In summary, a great job and chilling entertainment !
Even though I just watched Fooster's gameplay vid on YouTube and thus feel like I've already played it, I just had to come here to buy the game, because it is far too special not to own a copy of. Also, I appreciate that Episode 2 will be mine as well, which is another great reason to buy the Founder's Edition.
I just can't believe you did this by yourself. The detail work is so amazing, it is seriously the quality of Resident Evil 7, which was created by hundreds of people! This must have taken you many years to create. And the story is so compelling that it's literally impossible to stop playing.
I haven't been so excited by any game in a long, long time, so please keep working on it. And by the way, I much prefer to buy things on itch, so thanks for having it here. Itch is the last sanctuary of true independent game making. I know that it will also be released on Steam and Epic (hopefully GOG too) at some point, which will no doubt send this game into the stratosphere, but I want to thank you for releasing it here first. It means a lot to me, since I have no real fondness for huge companies, even though they are a necessary thing for small creators to survive.
Keep it up, Adam. I can't stress enough how my mind was blown the first time I realized that this was done by one person. You have a great eye for set design and visual beauty, and have a true understanding of what it takes to create atmosphere and the feeling of horror and dread.
I watched Jacksepticeye play this and I was in love with it, its not very often I play a game after already watching it but I just had to with this one and it was 100% worth it! even though I already knew what to expect I was still blown away by visuals and the sound design alone, already cant wait for episode 2
Brother i played it with the UEVR inyector on a Quest 3. Its an incredible work. Super inmersive. The only thing is you don't see the mouse cursor in VR.
anybody knows what to do with the Fuse found in the small house (???)
OK, i am stuck. I am at the man behind the door, exploring and getting fuel. suddenly it gets dark and There is a light in the distance and i cannot do anything anymore, not saving, exploring etc. I am waiting but nothing happens.
It worked once, i got in a tunnel, but restarted because i missed something. Next try i just jumped off the roof and ran towards the light. I met 2 aliens in the woods and it went dark. then I was back at the shed and filled the tank and went to the church. But now i missed that tunnel. At the church I beelined towards it, got sidetracked, went in and went on. I ended at a purple light with ppl floating and that was it. Pretty short, i probably did a speedrun and ignored stuff but not intentionally.
Where is the best place to report bugs, questions or improvements? I use an ultrawidescreen and need to adjust the field of view to play this game properly on my monitor.
I don't have the privilege to test out the game on ultrawidescreen. Any reports on that will be more than welcome. Please reach out to me via email at adamdubigames@icloud.com
I would love to put your name in the credits, if that's fine with you.
I've been an enthusiastic gamer for as long as I can remember. I believe I started gaming around the age of 6. Thanks to my dad, it was possible; in his "young" years, he was also an avid gamer, or whatever it was called around 1990. :)
As I mentioned, gaming has always been a hobby for me, something I did almost daily until I was 28. There were even phases, usually the ones without a girlfriend :), where I completed every game that hit the market and had a "okay enough" reputation.
A lot of money went into this hobby.
However, at some point, no game really grabbed me anymore. Whether multiplayer or single-player, everything seemed to have been done before — the same mechanics, gameplay, settings. Everything felt the same,...... just boring.
Sometimes I had to force myself to play. It was enjoyable, but no game left a lasting impression anymore.
This has been going on for the last ~5 years; I hardly play anymore due to work and family.
There are months where I don't sit in front of the PC except for work. Occasionally, a game reaches me, mostly some multiplayer game played with friends, which is fun mainly because the right people are involved, and it often turns into a sort of competitive game.
However, all the single-player games I touched in the last 5 yearsor more were rather underwhelming, including genuine AAA gems like Elden Ring. It was nice, motivating, played it three times, but it was still.. just.... just Dark Souls......
The last game that surprisingly blew me away was Nier: Automata, released in 2017, also played multiple times to see 110% of the game. Story and what needs to be done to uncover all of the story, and what the game tries to deliver was just amazing!
I still think about it sometimes. But enough about other games.
I stumbled upon Chordosis through a German YouTube channel, and I have to say...
Those were the best 2 hours of gameplay I've had since 2017!!!!!!!!!
I can't exactly explain it, but the atmosphere created here is spot on. Every step felt like I was taking it myself.
The details, setting, movements, sound, gameplay, storytelling – everything merged into an immersion that is simply fantastic.
Nevertheless, it's worth mentioning that not everything was groundbreaking, but the execution of those parts still felt new, "juicy."
Within those 2 hours of gameplay, there was not a second of boredom. The tension was always high.
The rewards obtained by exploring the game's wolrd & story were well implemented. Unique, different, it doesn't bother for a second that there are actually no speakers for the NPC and Char.
The attention to detail is rarely seen. I still don't understand why not every AAA game, with a hundred times the development power, looks, feels, and plays at least as good.
I have great respect for what has been achieved here. I am incredibly looking forward to seeing and experiencing more of this game.
I almost have to say wistfully that the game reminds me of the good old times.
So, basically, all that's left to say is: Game of the decade for me, a game that captivated me for 2 hours, bringing me back a bit more to the gaming I used to love so much.
Many, many thanks for this experience, and here's to many more experiences with future episodes.
I also bought your first game "Adam Lost Memories" also stunning ans something about to think. Bought it here full price instead of steam 3$ drop. Its worth it.
Fist Impressions of the game, where really good. Waiting for the second chapter. But one suggestion, shelves need to be more free. Not just locked in a room.
I bought this game and for some reason mouse clicks do nothing. It moves the camera and the WASD moves the character, but I can't get out of the opening bit inside the trailer/camper thing. Do I uninstall and reinstall? Tried Steam and Itch.io with the same results.
Please keep in mind that as of now, CHORDOSIS is not out on Steam, and it doesn't have a dedicated installer. Please be careful, make sure your version of the game is legit, and not a scam. The itch.io version here is the only legit version for now.
I'm not sure why mouse-clicks only register in the UI. If you have a gamepad, please try to disconnect it, and try to click outside the game and back in. Make sure nothing is "stealing" your mouse input. OBS or Streamlabs likes to do that. Also, the van's door only gets intractable when you pick-up the in-game controller from the bed. You can open the door by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.
When I click on the in-game controller from the bed, nothing happens. I can get the game open and click the New Game option, and the difficulty. Once I'm in-game, I can't do anything after the short drive. I can only move around the camper.
did you get out of the car/van? you need to look and exit into the back space. when you are sitting as driver you can only look from drivers window, so exit vehicle from behind
The mouse clicks in game do not work for me, so i cannot get out of it, nor pick up the controller on the bed. I tried different things like disabling the touch screen to my laptop and bought a brand new mouse. I give up.
This game simply does not work for me after the short drive in the beginning. I tried updating all drivers, bought a new mouse, disabled all Windows protection apps, not running OBS or Streamlabs, and not using Steam. I cannot pick up the in-game controller or get out of the van. Very disappointed.
Honestly, good luck on your next chapter. I love that everyone else seemed to have a great experience with it and it looked so fun.
See if you have any other peripherals plugged in that the game doesn't like. I've had several Unreal Engine games refuse to accept inputs if my usb keypad is plugged in.
← Return to game
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Damn it Adam! just finished the Founder Edition 1st chapter, just give me the second chapter or I will go and get you (mmm kind of far away now in Argentina... but just wait). Excellent... you made a piece of experience here. Will try to solve the main screen puzzle that with the QR code for now. BUT GIME ME 2nd (not mind if it is bugged) chapter man! thanks!
Hey Mr.Adam when can we expecting episode 2? my viewers keep asking me about itt
Hi there, just starting to play the game but in red lettering it says “texture streaming pool” in the top left of my screen, and under that, it says DisableAllScreenMessages and I can’t figure out how to do it. I pressed the ‘ key and nothing happens. Very new to PC gaming so I have no idea what I’m doing
The game is packaged probably in development build. The issue: texture streaming pool means that the game needs to allow the usage on VRAM more. But apparently it is currently a capped. If you find a way to open the console try to write the console command r.Streaming.PoolSize 'VRAM' I guess the game allows max 1000mb VRAM try to write r.Streaming.PoolSize 2000 and this should fix the issue. (it's not a big issue, you will only see some textures blurry and might some performance issues if you can't open the console and increase the streaming pool)
So, my unprofessional ass packaged and released CHORDOSIS with 'debug messages', but I quickly updated the game to a build without it back in September last year, and also I pushed so many builds/updates since then with the same exact frontend.
Could you please tell me what's the version of CHORDOSIS you running? (just press "v" while ingame, or enable the "version/revision text" in the options menu.)
You might playing with a really really old build lol.
You are absolutely right, but I have r.Streaming.PoolSize 3200 by default and I also not using r.Streaming.UseFixedPoolSize, to keep it somewhat dynamic.
Also, after detecting an above RTX 20** card with at least 6gbvram the game auto resolves to the command of r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed in the first boot. It's just a line in the persistent level.
At first this was scary, but I spent a lot of time testing this out, and the RT build of the game never went above 4000. Mostly cause the tight level streaming I have with my own culling for particles and such. (uh, and static culling in CHORDOSIS is also ridiculous haha. that fog you know.. lol)
I'm also not really using 4K texture maps, so that cuts a lot.
I'm really looking forward to resolve this tho, and thank you for the feedback!
The game was amazing. But there are three things I found while playing. One being slightly annoying (In my opinion) and the other being game-breaking. The game-breaking bug I found was when you move big stuff in your inventory they'll overlap with the other items you have. The slightly annoying (In my opinion) thing when I was playing was the ladder, every time I got on it, it would make an insanely loud noise and I didn't want to turn down the volume for the emersion of the insanely great game you made.
One thing I highly recommend you add is the feature to have custom controls in the settings. I don't like that I can't change crouch from ctrl. to c.
Can't wait till episode two comes out and I wish you the best of luck in the process of making it.
Thank you for the feedback! As just a dude making this game, it's really really helpful to get these. Thank you!
Well, I rewrote the inventory system for the forth time already lol, and I think it's finally stable within a bigger scale. (the invsys was by far the most complicated, challenging but fun thing I've ever made so far)
The inventory item detection (the thing that bugged out), was worked well till around 40 fps, but when it came to 80 and above it started to break apart.
As of now, I finally have a relatively decent pc to work with, thanks to the overwhelming support around my game, but I've made CHORDOSIS on a really old low end 12years old CPU, so I had no chance to get my frames above around 65 at an absolutely max.
This was okay, for optimizing a relatively realistic game like mine for wider range of configs, but it also come with the downsides inside my code.
As of further development, I'm still using my oldass config for testing to achieve that 60fps on it. Optimizing is a pain in the bumbum but it's just so well worth it and I really do care!
And about the control bindings, I already coded them in to the game, but its just really buggy so far, so the option is not expanded to players right now, it's hidden.
But of course, there will be more options for it in the future. I actually have a cool ass menu for that :D
Thank you again for the feedback and for all of the kind words!
Truly means a lot!
Just finished the first chapter, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and sound design, amazing work!
I would like to make some suggestions and a bit of bug reporting.
I only found one single big flaw in the game so far, and its the lack of accessibility options, especially for motion sickness, I wouldn't say my motion sickness tolerance is the lowest, but theres a few things that always get me, FOV, excessive camera sway/bob, and camera drag or mouse smoothness.
I've read one of your replies about the FOV being set around 105, but I felt it was way too small for me, but I'ill add the fact I was originally running the game on Ultrawide, I had to change it to 16:9, and after that the FOV felt a little better.
Also, this might be an aspect ratio problem but the Letterbox Always On option broke the "inventory" (very clever BTW, I LOVED IT)
Had some minor bugs, like getting stuck on fences and whatnot, but I'm a little shit that likes to break games by trying to parkour and skip stuff xD
Overall very impressed with the vision and future of the project, loved the final segment of the chapter, very cool looking, very excited for Episode 2!
Thank you for the awesome feedback, it's really helpful!
There's a lot happening around with my game in these weeks, and mostly on the law side of things, now my tax has been raised from 30% to 60% in Hungary... kinda wild and sad.. But everything was noted and I'm really thankful!!!
From the beginning I always had a big focus on accessibility, so there will be more settings to that in the future. Some of them are already there but buggy and hidden lol.
Uh, and also, I have a friend who owns this insane screen with a 32:9 ratio, and she's helping me out testing CHORDOSIS on it. (thanks Maya)
These new features will be pushed with the release of the second episode (mostly, but some maybe earlier), which is gonna be a just an update for all the founders here.
Thank you again!
En este Pueblo hay una Fuerza de Otro Mundo {Extrenando Avatar}
So far this game is really good. Two things I noticed so far in my first playthrough, one a QoL thing and one a minor bug. For QoL, a toggle crouch option would be ideal. The bug was I tried to take a chunk of concrete out of the garage at the gas station to bash the doors with and it disappeared from my hands.
No help at all? really? 😒
Awesome! o.o Looks like an AAA game. Really cool! :o
bro for some reason I just now am trying the demo and I can't even explain how excited I am for the rest of the game to release, so well done with the little bit ive played and incredibly smooth
This is such an amazingly atmospheric game that I was as floored as other content creators covering it like Hollow. The user interface is clean, the grammar and punctuation of English is pretty polished, no strange, jarring or comical voices that break your immersion.
A lot of good things to say but I will also say that the timing of when to show an event that freaks you out is also something this game is doing well since we are so conditioned to seeing the object of fear (entity like a ghost, demon, etc) earlier in other games that the effect may be lessened over time. With that said, that thing was pretty freaky to look at -- the lighting is PHENOMENAL in this game, just screensaver worthy.
Looking forward to the next installments!
cant wait for chapter 2
Absolutely phenomenal game! Keep up the work dude!!
I watched the walkthrough and the game looks super cool, like it's a pre-recorded video
Great first episode., great artstyle and spooky sounds. I really like it. This what Control should have been.
The locations, surrounding objects, visual style is very solid. What is stellar is the audio design which is out of this world. So far the game is very short and I am waiting eagerly for more. But my biggest FEAR is that the game will become a shooter. I really hope the horror will come first and fighting will be secondary.
AMAZING GAME, You should really advertise this to steam, It will pop off for 2 or so weeks
Yeah with a wider audience like steam this shit will pop off
Really not much of a game. More like a tech demo. It's cool. But I guess I expected more.
For 6 dollars you got AAA quality by one dev what do you expect?
WOW! Just WOW! This is by far THE BEST ALIEN HORROR GAME I have ever played, and one of the BEST INDIE HORROR GAMES I have ever come across! Im Impressed with what the developer has achieved creating this game all by himself, i can not wait for the next episodes! 10/10!
Here is my playthough on YOUTUBE, you can see how terrified i was while playing this game!
I had such a blast playing this game. The audio design is amazing. The map is so atmospheric ( if that's the right word for it) Just everything was so well made. It was about 1 hour long but it felt like 20 min. The only thing I wanna comment is when you have the gun. It's a bit to close on the face but other than that IT WAS AN FANTASTIC JOB. I can't wait to see more updates on this game. Don't stress on the game, take your time. There's also a whole message for u ( if you watch the videos people post )
Can't wait for more updates
Best regards
Hey, amazing work!! I purchased this to play on my new 4090 based machine with triple 4k monitors - I'm running it at 3 x 1440 (100fps on ultra :) and it looks incredible but there seems to be a problem with the field of view being incorrect (should be a lot wider) and I can't find any way to change this - it means the top and bottom of the inventory etc is cut off majorly when I equip it, and things don't generally look right (e.g. way too zoomed in). Is there an ini file hack or fix I can apply? I want to be able to experience it as intended the first time I play it and using full triple-widescreen as the immersion is crazy. Please let me know! :D Thanks
No help at all? really? 😒
Dear developer AdamDubiGames,
Two months ago I purchased the founders edition, which I turned on, set up, played, saved and went to bed. The next day when I wanted to continue, the settings were reverted to the original settings and I couldn't load the saved game because there was none. For reasons I don't understand, the game doesn't want to save any data to the computer.
I looked and I'm not the only one this is happening to. Could you take a look at this please? This is a total game breaking bug.
Also, I've emailed you twice, please, if these emails reporting problems from players are going to your spam folder, maybe it would be a good idea to create some sort of community place where we can report these bugs? Or integrate a bug report system right into the game, what do you think? O.o
Thank you for your understanding and possible answer.
Dear Fenekie,
Thank you for reaching out, and thank you for the feedback. Please make sure:
I'll do my best to reply as much as I could, and as quickly as I could.
I'm working on a built-in feedback system for CHORDOSIS since the beginning, but it's still not as good as I want it to be.
You can press SHIFT+O to open the in-game feedback system.
I'm leaning towards on an official discord server before Steam and/or console releases, where I could even stream some of the development process, and provide more insight into CHORDOSIS. One of my ever main goals is to be absolutely open about the game and it's current state, especially for founders.
But as of now, I don't have a capable enough PC to simultaneously develop the game and stream it, but with your support this will change in the next couple months. :)
Hope this helps and hope you'll have fun with my game!
Thank you Fenekie,
Hello AdamDubiGames,
I don't think I could run any application directly from the archive unless the application was compiled into a single file, i.e. an exe file... :'D
I have enough disk space everywhere for now, so hopefully it will last a long time. I tend to download all possible purchased games directly to my PC... xD
I think I figured out where the problem was... o.o Don't you have it defined in the code that the saved data is saved to a directory with the exact name? O.o Because I unzipped your game to my SDD, I didn't rename the folder and without giving it admin rights, it started saving the data. So I moved it to the HDD where I had it before, just kept the folder name and the data saving kept working. :D So the problem was probably that I renamed the game folder... o.o
If this is indeed the problem, then I would recommend changing the code to save the data to the root directory, not a directory with a specific name... :)
Best regards!
I've completed the game.
The pros :
- Atmosphere and Environment : creepy and immersive
- Ambient Sounds and music : chilling and suspenseful
- Episode final is awesome and freaking creepy
- Great game mechanics support (controls)
The cons :
- Storytelling and Narrative : mostly non existent
- Long non playable introduction
- No voice, mostly reading stuff : from my perspective, it breaks the experience (show, don't tell!)
- Should include small puzzles / challenges
- Map around the church is messy and not easy to understand
- Really not sure about the click and drag function to open doors ... Initialy, I though the version was buggy first until a realize I needed to drag ...
In summary, a great job and chilling entertainment !
Can't wait for the next episode !
Even though I just watched Fooster's gameplay vid on YouTube and thus feel like I've already played it, I just had to come here to buy the game, because it is far too special not to own a copy of. Also, I appreciate that Episode 2 will be mine as well, which is another great reason to buy the Founder's Edition.
I just can't believe you did this by yourself. The detail work is so amazing, it is seriously the quality of Resident Evil 7, which was created by hundreds of people! This must have taken you many years to create. And the story is so compelling that it's literally impossible to stop playing.
I haven't been so excited by any game in a long, long time, so please keep working on it. And by the way, I much prefer to buy things on itch, so thanks for having it here. Itch is the last sanctuary of true independent game making. I know that it will also be released on Steam and Epic (hopefully GOG too) at some point, which will no doubt send this game into the stratosphere, but I want to thank you for releasing it here first. It means a lot to me, since I have no real fondness for huge companies, even though they are a necessary thing for small creators to survive.
Keep it up, Adam. I can't stress enough how my mind was blown the first time I realized that this was done by one person. You have a great eye for set design and visual beauty, and have a true understanding of what it takes to create atmosphere and the feeling of horror and dread.
I watched Jacksepticeye play this and I was in love with it, its not very often I play a game after already watching it but I just had to with this one and it was 100% worth it! even though I already knew what to expect I was still blown away by visuals and the sound design alone, already cant wait for episode 2
wann kommt chapter 2 endlich???
Game is so far outstanding and with great potential, please support this creator!
Brother i played it with the UEVR inyector on a Quest 3. Its an incredible work. Super inmersive. The only thing is you don't see the mouse cursor in VR.
anybody knows what to do with the Fuse found in the small house (???)
Waiting for 2nd chapter :D
Salty I have to use this terrible platform to play such a good game. Its unheard of because its not on steam.
How do i open the development console in thi9s game?
OK, i am stuck. I am at the man behind the door, exploring and getting fuel. suddenly it gets dark and There is a light in the distance and i cannot do anything anymore, not saving, exploring etc. I am waiting but nothing happens.
just walk off the top of the garage towards the purple light i also got stuck there for a few minutes
Thanks, will try that
Did it work
It worked once, i got in a tunnel, but restarted because i missed something. Next try i just jumped off the roof and ran towards the light. I met 2 aliens in the woods and it went dark. then I was back at the shed and filled the tank and went to the church. But now i missed that tunnel. At the church I beelined towards it, got sidetracked, went in and went on. I ended at a purple light with ppl floating and that was it. Pretty short, i probably did a speedrun and ignored stuff but not intentionally.
Where is the best place to report bugs, questions or improvements? I use an ultrawidescreen and need to adjust the field of view to play this game properly on my monitor.
I don't have the privilege to test out the game on ultrawidescreen. Any reports on that will be more than welcome.
Please reach out to me via email at adamdubigames@icloud.com
I would love to put your name in the credits, if that's fine with you.
Wow, just wow!
I've been an enthusiastic gamer for as long as I can remember. I believe I started gaming around the age of 6. Thanks to my dad, it was possible; in his "young" years, he was also an avid gamer, or whatever it was called around 1990. :)
As I mentioned, gaming has always been a hobby for me, something I did almost daily until I was 28. There were even phases, usually the ones without a girlfriend :), where I completed every game that hit the market and had a "okay enough" reputation.
A lot of money went into this hobby.
However, at some point, no game really grabbed me anymore. Whether multiplayer or single-player, everything seemed to have been done before — the same mechanics, gameplay, settings. Everything felt the same,...... just boring.
Sometimes I had to force myself to play. It was enjoyable, but no game left a lasting impression anymore.
This has been going on for the last ~5 years; I hardly play anymore due to work and family.
There are months where I don't sit in front of the PC except for work. Occasionally, a game reaches me, mostly some multiplayer game played with friends, which is fun mainly because the right people are involved, and it often turns into a sort of competitive game.
However, all the single-player games I touched in the last 5 yearsor more were rather underwhelming, including genuine AAA gems like Elden Ring. It was nice, motivating, played it three times, but it was still.. just.... just Dark Souls......
The last game that surprisingly blew me away was Nier: Automata, released in 2017, also played multiple times to see 110% of the game. Story and what needs to be done to uncover all of the story, and what the game tries to deliver was just amazing!
I still think about it sometimes. But enough about other games.
I stumbled upon Chordosis through a German YouTube channel, and I have to say...
Those were the best 2 hours of gameplay I've had since 2017!!!!!!!!!
I can't exactly explain it, but the atmosphere created here is spot on. Every step felt like I was taking it myself.
The details, setting, movements, sound, gameplay, storytelling – everything merged into an immersion that is simply fantastic.
Nevertheless, it's worth mentioning that not everything was groundbreaking, but the execution of those parts still felt new, "juicy."
Within those 2 hours of gameplay, there was not a second of boredom. The tension was always high.
The rewards obtained by exploring the game's wolrd & story were well implemented. Unique, different, it doesn't bother for a second that there are actually no speakers for the NPC and Char.
The attention to detail is rarely seen. I still don't understand why not every AAA game, with a hundred times the development power, looks, feels, and plays at least as good.
I have great respect for what has been achieved here. I am incredibly looking forward to seeing and experiencing more of this game.
I almost have to say wistfully that the game reminds me of the good old times.
So, basically, all that's left to say is: Game of the decade for me, a game that captivated me for 2 hours, bringing me back a bit more to the gaming I used to love so much.
Many, many thanks for this experience, and here's to many more experiences with future episodes.
Thank you very much, Adam.
Thank you so so much! It keeps me going! I'm literally just a dude making this game in my bedroom, it means sooo much!!!
I also bought your first game "Adam Lost Memories" also stunning ans something about to think. Bought it here full price instead of steam 3$ drop. Its worth it.
Keep up the good work! Greetings from Germany :)
SAMEEEE i cant waitttt
Fist Impressions of the game, where really good. Waiting for the second chapter.
But one suggestion, shelves need to be more free. Not just locked in a room.
Episode 1 blew my mind. After Scorn and SOMA, no game had captured me so much. Any idea when episode 2 will be ready?
I bought this game and for some reason mouse clicks do nothing. It moves the camera and the WASD moves the character, but I can't get out of the opening bit inside the trailer/camper thing. Do I uninstall and reinstall? Tried Steam and Itch.io with the same results.
Thank you for the feedback.
Please keep in mind that as of now, CHORDOSIS is not out on Steam, and it doesn't have a dedicated installer.
Please be careful, make sure your version of the game is legit, and not a scam.
The itch.io version here is the only legit version for now.
I'm not sure why mouse-clicks only register in the UI. If you have a gamepad, please try to disconnect it, and try to click outside the game and back in.
Make sure nothing is "stealing" your mouse input. OBS or Streamlabs likes to do that.
Also, the van's door only gets intractable when you pick-up the in-game controller from the bed. You can open the door by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.
Thank you,
When I click on the in-game controller from the bed, nothing happens. I can get the game open and click the New Game option, and the difficulty. Once I'm in-game, I can't do anything after the short drive. I can only move around the camper.
did you get out of the car/van? you need to look and exit into the back space. when you are sitting as driver you can only look from drivers window, so exit vehicle from behind
The mouse clicks in game do not work for me, so i cannot get out of it, nor pick up the controller on the bed. I tried different things like disabling the touch screen to my laptop and bought a brand new mouse. I give up.
Try ALT-TABBING, try fullscreen, windowed screen, etc... its something with the unreal, drivers or stuff like that... it can be solved/bypassed...
This game simply does not work for me after the short drive in the beginning. I tried updating all drivers, bought a new mouse, disabled all Windows protection apps, not running OBS or Streamlabs, and not using Steam. I cannot pick up the in-game controller or get out of the van. Very disappointed.
Honestly, good luck on your next chapter. I love that everyone else seemed to have a great experience with it and it looked so fun.
I had the same issue until I realize I can open doors by holding the left mouse button and DRAGGING the mouse.
Could you pick up in the in game controller by clicking on it? The settings cogs over the pillows does nothing for me either.
Weird stuff ... I am using my mouse (no pads). Everything went fine. And yes, clicking on the cog for settings worked out fine as well ...
The Cogs over the pillow is the gas filler on the outside of the van. Its just shows through. I had to double-click the controller to pick it up.
See if you have any other peripherals plugged in that the game doesn't like. I've had several Unreal Engine games refuse to accept inputs if my usb keypad is plugged in.