As of now, CHORDOSIS has been only out for the past 4 days, but I received overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Many of you have stated that my game is the indie horror of the year for you.
Thank you so much for every single one of you for all of your kind words and feedback. It means everything for me! Thank you so so so much! <3

I was on the edge with the Unreal Project opened up to quickly push out patches and bug fixes, but I have to say that I was absolutely wrong.
Of course, there were some minor issues here and there, but even the very first builds had almost zero big bugs to fix.
This is a huge achievement for me as I'm not just the only developer but the only playtester/QA as well.

After all these years of development, I finally feel like I'm not alone anymore.
I have this beautiful and quickly growing community around the game. Thank you so much. :)


It is absolutely amazing to see how many of you are excited about the next installments.
One thing that I can absolutely assure is that I'm not going to rush it, not at all, but it's coming together very nicely.

The only way I will talk about a release date is when ADIT is completely finished, optimized, polished up, and well tested out.
With your overwhelming support, now I have the privilege to include even more new stuff, and refine the next episode even more. I will absolutely take my chances with it. Thank you!

The main goal is to have the same quality, length, optimization, buildup, and most importantly, I just really have to be happy about the release because I get so fucking nervous about these :D
Many of you have questioned, but I'm literally just a dude making this :D

As of always I'm going to be absolutely open about the upcoming chapters, to show that the game is under heavy development and it will never be suck in a half finished state. CHORDOSIS  will be released and finished unless I die.

And some random, unlisted, extremely unprofessional, laggy-buggy stuff about ADIT:

Everything above is work in progress. Really. Heavily. With passion and stuff.


Many and many of you have asked about a Steam release, and I'm happy to say that it is absolutely planned of course, but it will be episodic.

And once again, of begin open about the surroundings CHORDOSIS...

While I cannot talk about this here in detail just yet, nothing is written in stone, but only in just these 4 days, many publishers reached out to me, which is amazing of course, I've been there before with my first game as well, but, there is one...
One of them is really close to my hearth, well known and professional, and not just the game but the whole indie horror scene would absolutely benefit from it if we'd end up working together.
Scary stuff... I'm somewhat hesitant, as I only planned and prepared for self publishing, but this way I wouldn't be alone anymore with the marketing, publishing, porting, localization, QA, and much more, and I could focus on the development more.

And If you on behalf of a publisher, and find my game fitting to your portfolio, please feel free to reach out, I'm still absolutely open for it.

I'll keep you updated on this front, but not matter how it ends, I can assure you that the FOUNDERS EDITION release here on will remain! and will be the only one version that contains the exclusive founders episode (which is also already in the works :)


So many of you have asked about a console release.
Personally I don't own any consoles, but I have all of their controllers / gamepads just to build the game from the ground up with a mindset where a console release would be really easy to push.

I have a lot of flags in my code about what to change in the game if it end up running on a console.
The graphical fidelity would absolutely remain the same, it's mostly how consoles handling async level loading in-out with their fixed CPU threads, and how their save system could work together with mine.

about VR...
Based on the physics-based nature of CHORDOSIS, with everything centers around the in-game physical controller, we are already having fun with my younger family members with a really buggy VR version. It's just fun and sometimes purely terrifying. :D
For now, I absolutely don't own a capable enough PC to develop fluidly for VR, so.. I don't know.. hey, it's possible if you ask for it, maybe in the future. :)

Once again, Thank you so so much for your support! It truly means a lot.
I just wish I could reply to all of your comments, but I'm here and I'm listening.

Let's shape the future of CHORDOSIS together :)

Thank you,


Version 0.6.3 Sep 17, 2023
Version 0.6.2 Sep 16, 2023


Buy Now$9.99 USD or more


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my god man good job , hope to see what this game brings in the future 

Wonderful work. I also like Adam - Lost Memories a big lot.  Think, that a work like chordosis will need a lot time and effort. Give him the time to work on it.  If he dont answer, maybe people ask a little bit  too much ? I can understand, i am also curious, because it is such an amazing work.


Adam you owe it to us to post at least 10 words letting us know if you've abandoned this or what? People on here are going to report you as a scam if not 


No public update for over a year, beware that this game may possibly be abandoned due to absolutely no public posts on the game page. I bought the game, there has been no social media posts about Part 2 or any other thing about this game. While Part 1 is an incredible game, it has now fallen into the realms of abandonware / scam because of the lack of community updates, posts about progress, no release date for part 2,3,4,5 etc. No matter what if you are charging money for a product, and saying more parts are coming then that is advertising the game with more coming. The fact there has been nothing is northing short of false advertising at this point. Adam if you happen to see this. Me and so many other customers are not happy having bought the founders edition have not been given any idea or update on this game is nothing short of terrible. You had massive exposure, so many people and famous youtubers played your game. There is no excuse not to hire a PR manager, or get people involved to support you just to keep your fans / consumers of the game in the loop. If there is no update by the end of this month then I am going to report this game as a scam and ask to take this down. Sorry man, I am not happy you have not communicated anything to anyone publicly. This is also the reason I don't buy games like this on here anymore. Shocking really.

Yeah it sucks to see. I saw Lirik play this last year and just now on his 24/7 channel and decided to see if the game has been released yet. Disappointed to see that nothing has happened over the last year. The creators reddit account is still active, but nothing about this game in the last 9 months. Hope to hear something soon.

Its one guy fucking moron

Can you not talk without being aggressive? so what? I paid £12.99 when I bought this game. Its dead in the water. If you like wasting your money then be my guest. It don't take 5 mins to make a community post on his YouTube / Twitter feed to let everyone know there has been delays to the game, or he is still working on it. Apparently he has a discord, but I have not seen any link to that anywhere. Thanks for the constructive conversation though pal. Appreciate it.


Würde gerne eine freie Tastenbelegung haben, wird das irgendwann kommen?

I saw the founders edition on youtube and what I liked was the mystery, exploration, adventure, puzzles. Hopefully the game will not take a super creepy jump scare turn where you die all the time. Or if there is maybe that it can be turned off to be more of a puzzle/exploration game. I would love to see a multiplayer feature.


Game is legit the best horror/mindbender alien adventure with the visuals, music, sound ambience,  and it just pulls you right in and leaves you speechless. It makes other games like, Greyhill incident look like roblox. No hate to that dev team but this game is just simply crafted unlike any other game. I would pay 100 dollars for this game. If you are reading this.......... stop reading this and buy the game. LOOPY OUT <3. 


Adam, you have something pretty damn incredible here. Your ability to create atmospheric horror games is mind blowing. And the fact you’re in this by yourself is just nuts. I’ll be buying Lost Memories to show my support, and I’ll be re-purchasing on Steam to show support there, too. Please, never stop making games! These AAA devs should really take note!


I've played the first episode god know how many times and Just have to say that I cant wait for more! This is beyond what I expected, and for a 1 man job, you certainly have been doing a much better job that big dog companies.


lmao, RIGHT!!! i was about to say how these "Triple A" games can't even stand up to some of these indie devs lol. shows the difference from passion like they USE to be compared to just money grubbing a-holes..


hey man cant wait for episode 2 this game is great. as for vr i would love vr version but did you know it allready works in vr with preydogs universal vr mod?

(1 edit)

Hey! Thank you so much!

Yes, a VR version is in the works, and it will be made for VR in mind.
Full dedicated motion-controller support, and the level design will be different from the original game, unlike any VR mods.
But.. I's fun to experiment and see non VR releases in your headset tho, feel free to see my game in it as well. (and the fact that this is possible with my (semi realistic) game means that I've succeeded with my optimization heheheeee)
And it's amazing that people think my game is worthy enough to crack and hack it lol

Also I've just realized watched your playtrough of CHORDOSIS on YouTube. Dude It was amazing! Thank you!!!!

Edit: I was you 97th sub on yt! Congrats man! that's really hard to achieve! Keep em going and wish you the best in the future!


thanks for the sub man can’t wait to add episode 2 video 


Looking forward to a full release!


oh my God I made an account specifically to leave a comment here, Adam Dubi PLEASE don't ever stop making games lol. This was the best looking, best sounding, best Everything game I've ever seen and played. Just absolutely breathtaking in every way. 

physics based puzzles are dope, i thought i cheesed it when prying the door open with a bit of wood at the gas staion haha

Hello, I just wanted to ask if I purchase the Founders Edition, are the future levels or updates included? Or will they be micro transactions?


Hi, if you purchase the Founders Edition at you will get all the future updates, but when the game will be at steam too if you buy on steam it will be seperated (but if you buy at you will always get the updates)

ok thank you.  Does it use a serial to activate?  I only ask because sometimes I change laptops or reinstall Windows.


What do you mean? you buy it here and it will be here on your account just like on any other platform like steam or epic.


I grew up watching horror movies, so not so easily scared now. When I saw a brief glimpse of the game I had to have it and this is my first Itch io game as well. There were a couple of moments in the game that I thought was terrifying and a big bag of nope. Not many games have had that effect on me. I totally support the indie dev community. These unsung heroes produce better quality horror games than AAA devs do. I am truly impressed with the atmosphere of the game, thank you for such a terrifying experience.

Hello, Adam. All good?

I really liked your games and I'm very interested in Chordosis, however I tried running the demo on my Steam Deck and even on the minimum settings it is very stuck and with low fps. Do you have any plans to optimize the game for this console?



Nem szoktam költeni játékokra, főleg nem indie játékokra de, erősen kijelenthetem hogy egyik legjobb 6 dolláros vételem volt. Ami nagyon megfogott: A grafika, a fények gyönyörűek, az atmoszféra a hangokkal együtt egyszerűen rémisztő. Imádom ha a játékban van fizika ami lehetővé teszi hogy eljátszadozgathassak a tárgyak dobálásával.

Eszméletlen hogy egymagad csináltad! Nagy gratuláció! Alig várom már az EPISODE 2-t.


Adam what can I say man! I'm so happy for you and for getting the pump up that you deserve for this wonderful game! Much love big bro take your time with the game! And remember we never expect the game to be perfect we expect the game to be with your *chefs kiss* development! Much love to you my brotha! Keep it up! Shogun out!


Hey Adam, this game contains some of the most engaging and powerful interactions, environments, and atmospheres that I have ever seen, and I've played a lot of video games lol. The inventory device is mesmerizing, which is something pretty much every game ever has failed to achieve! The sound design, music, and the way it is paired with the atmosphere and storytelling is fantastic. I literally cannot believe you are doing this on your own. Great job. I will say there were a few moments in the garage where the crank puzzle felt slightly too ambiguous, however it all worked out. I did also want to mention that sometimes the little white circles that indicate an interactable door will show up even when the player is at a considerable distance from the interactable itself, creating some confusion at times that the interactable is somewhere other than it actually is, maybe that's just me though. As a fellow creator, I just wanted to throw those two little critiques in there as I'm sure you would appreciate them, like any good maker. Thank you for the wonderful horror experience, and good luck and god speed with the rest of your game, Adam. 

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