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Im a spanish speaker but i must say. The game is incredible, enviroment is really good, it catches you really nice

Here my video, i loved it, imma wait until dis comes out on steam (simply because im not much a person who put cards on websites)

Pero el juego esta mamalón

The price is for the whole game or episode 1 only?

The price is for the FOUNDERS EDITION, which contains the whole game and an additional founders episode.

Thank you, so how many episodes will there be?


absolutely amazing! congrats on this ive never played anything like it very excited for part 2



Tonight I'm going to play my twitch is, I have many expectations with this project and are a fan of the horror genre. Greetings from Argentina

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So far great work Adam! Keep it up! I've played on stream tonight :)
Can't wait for episode two :)

I'm unable to get past the gas station section, after I have turned all three valves and pressed the button to fill the jerry can with gas, nothing happens. Pretty frustrating!

you filled the tank so that you can go back to your car and fill it

having the same problem.  everything looks fine, but the gas tank just won't fill

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double check all 3 of the valves and make sure they are rotated completely counter-clockwise. it any of them are not completely turned 100%, the button wont fill the can. I ran into the same issue and that was the fix. My first valves was very slightly not touching the stopper.

I've tried that but I'm not able to move any of the valves further.

i deleted and downloaded the game again and it solved the issue for me

Thanks, this worked for me!

Hello so im new to pc gaming and I wanted to ask for every time I have to launch this game do I have to go through the zip folder every time or can I make it an app for me to easily click on and run it? 

Hello. I played this game and its a lot of fun so far. when I went to save it, it did and I manually did it but when I came back too the game it lost my progress and I had to start over. can anyone help me figure out solutions to this because I can't finish the game in one sitting.

I really liked what little I got to play!


Genius and scary as hell...


ADAM.... Have you been working on this for 10 years?? How is it possible for 1 man to create this amazing looking game? I enjoyed this a lot!! I played in easy mode and now regret it because I'm afraid of what I might have missed in normal mode. So, of course I'll have to play it again! My only concern is that it get's bogged down by collecting inventory items and combat that will take away from the tense, scary atmosphere.

Some AAA game studios need to be throwing money at you to get you working for them. LOL

Great job! I can't wait to see more from you!

I really, REALLY want to record this game but for some reason it doesn't like my system. I only have a 3070 but I thought that would be enough, but once I reach certain points in the beginning at the gas station the game just bogs down on my PC even with DLSS turned on. Hopefully I can get it ironed out because it seems like an awesome experience. Glad to see so many others have got to enjoy it because I can tell it's a labor of love!


Hey, Thank you for the feedback and for all of your kind word.
I have a 2080ti, and I'm targeting 4K 60 Ultra with it.

I think you might be CPU-bound, so DLSS actually makes things worse in that case.
Hope you'll be able to record it fluidly.
I'm focusing heavily on optimization, I'm actually working on some additional fog settings just right now, to give some more breath for older GPUs with the translucency. Nothing too impactful, but still..

Thank you,

I appreciate the input! Going to go in with DLSS disabled to see if that makes a difference. If nothing else I'm just going to play it on my own so I can experience it. Again, sincerely, thank you for the response! Looking forward to playing the rest!


Have an update! Was able to get a stable recording by disabling obs facecam. So no face cam for the video, but the extra process there was bottlenecking the CPU causing the game to stutter. Running great now. Very excited to get the video recorded. Thanks again! Wonderful game!


this game blew me away it was just so good i really can't wait to see what you have for us episode 2!

Hello is there a way i can download it on my Microsoft edge?Because its saying not supported.

Hey! I heavily recommend using the official software on your PC.

It works the same way as Steam does, and as I almost daily push out updates for CHORDOSIS, you will always play the most recent versions with it.

An update from even the earliest builds is about 150mb and adds more settings and new areas to discover.


I'm an instant fan.  This was so cool and immersive; I really felt like I was the character I was playing.   Can't wait for more!

net hier aber sind sie schon der Johann Religion (Sekte) beigetreten!

beunas noches pongo para comprar y no me inica la descarga,queda en el modo que se va descargar y no se descarga que puede ser muchas gracias?


I hope you keep developing more to this game and possibly other games. You truly do have a talent for it. Both myself and my Subscribers would love to see the early access to Episode 2. You know how to do Cosmic Horror, which is actually my favorite horror type. Hope it all keeps going well for you bro.

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When you do get the chance to Port it to Steam, it will make it easier for people like myself and other Youtubers to push your game out to the public. unfortunately not many average gamers use Itch,io, so it does get a little difficult for us to get Subs to purchase it. Still doing the best I can for you though. 

(SMALL SPOILER) hello Adam, a small detail: in the woods in front of the house where the dead deer on fire is,you can clearly see the alien spawn breaking the immersion,could you address this in a future update maybe making it spawn before we can see the scene?  keep up the good work

Ayo, is a spanish sutitled version coming?
If not no biggie, still a very good game

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Episode one was amazing. Do you think it would be possible to have Unreal 5 compile a native linux version? i tried running it in Proton, and it does run, but however the frame rate was really bad. I would love to be a tester of a Native build on Linux. Thanks! I bought a few copies of your game and sent them to a few friends. I can't wait for episode 2. I also just purchased your previous game on Steam, and am about to play that. Thanks for doing what you do!

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Watched part 1 by CJU the other day and now Ive watched it 4 times by 4 different  streamers and I see new things everytime, like the dirt on the windscreen when you pass a streetlight small details, if you watch it in anything less than 720p its not noticeable.

This game is the best Ive seen for a long time, Graphic's, sound, atmosphere, everything is simply AWESOME.  

I am really looking forward to part 2 because its going to be mind blowing.

I Recommend this game if you like beautiful games n Alien's then I can tell you, 

you WILL NOT be dissapointed.  👍🤯


I love extraterrestrial stories like this and this game gave me chills. This is a perfect game for my dad, he’s a sucker for things like this and more. I live in an area heavily filled with ufos/aliens and this game tells here as well. Well done Dev. 🖤

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What an amazing game ! You have done an incredible job here ! Congrats, can't wait to see what is comming next ! 


i have problems to unzip the file


Absolutely love this game, gifted it to two others cause I want to see this game shine, I can't wait to see this game in it's entirety. 


Once in a while an indie game comes along that just absolutely smashes it out of the park, and Adam, I have to say sir - congratulations on this exquisite gem of a horror game. From the haunting atmosphere, to the superb soundscape, to the level design, everything about Chordosis (Chapter 1) resonates on such a level it transcends the genre. 

This has also been released at a time when there appears to be a resurgence of all things 'alien' esque, which definitely had my blood pumping whilst playing. I loved the fact that you start in an RV which makes you feel safe and secure and the little details from being able to interact with practically every item (even swimming to other areas) shows the passion, dedication and attention to detail that you have imbued with the game. 

I especially loved the fact that the epilogue gives you an insight into the next chapter, and is actually playable! Unfortunately on my video I hadn't updated my graphic card and there's some laggy framerate around the 40 minute mark for about 10 mins - this is solely down to me and not on the game itself. 

An amazing game from an amazing developer - still can't believe this was done by a sole person. Well done sir. 

please mr.adam can you upload your game on steam i would love to play it on steam just so i can expand my steam library and keep track of what games i have played

While Adam's said the Steam version is in the works, you can actually add non-Steam games to your Steam library. There's plenty tutorials online that shows the trick of it.

i know that its possible but  i just really want to get the achievements and have it in my steam library aswell. thanks for the reply 

Opravdu mám dvojče Vetřelce? | CHORDOSIS Epi 1 CZ


seriously amazing man,,,, cannot wait for more! 

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Really loved your game, the ending of the first chapter was amazing and I'm really looking forward to the second chapter! :) Keep up the great work!


One of the best Indie Games i have ever played, looking forward for episode 2, absolutely amazing .. Great Work !!!


I can think of very few words to describe the haunting beauty of your game! That unease of the atmosphere the 'did i really just see that?' movement you barely catch in the corner of your eye. just amazing, I look forward to more!

Hi Adam! after played your game and post it on live on twitch and tik tok too,so many people are asking about your game,asking me the name of the game and being amazed by it! I hope you obtain a lot fo benefits and please don't stop you AWESOME job! My tik tok and twitch channel: Controversexia.


I can tell how much effort you put in this game. One of the best games I've played this year.

WOW... this game is pretty amazing so far! I've never seen visuals like this, either!


Des graphique à couper le souffle WOW.

I think I skipped a bunch of the game. I picked up the gas can, went to fill it and couldn't find it in the inventory. So I left the van and ran. Went through the floor and into the light. Previews for the next episode. I don't like that gizmo you have to use.  A regular inventory would've been great. The graphics look great and it ran well. 


Im not afraid to said that this game could be GOTY if it wants. Incredible sounds, atmosphere, grafics and a story that you want to play over and over again to discover whats going on!! Better than lots of AAA games.

I did a video on my channel (Spanish) I hope you like it! Cant wait to play Chapter 2!

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