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Awesome game. the first chapter I thoroughly enjoyed. any idea when the next chapter will be done

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Never and maybe not even then :P


I don't think we will ever see the finished game.

Cool demo.



Dont bother, its dead and forgotten.

(4 edits) (+3)(-4)

I really hope this is not the case, and I know this might even be offensive to some, but it is possible that Adam is dealing with severe mental health issues. As I said, I truly hope this man is doing well and is just on a longer break. This game is awesome, but if you have played his other game, Adam - Lost Memories, you will find that Adam had a very troubled past. Take this with a grain of salt, of course, as it might have been written solely to set the tone for the game. However, I doubt he stands to gain much from lying about such a topic. Here's a copy-paste from the Steam page of that game:

Based on a story that happened to me when I was a child.

I created this story-driven psychological horror game based on my personal experiences with child abuse.
Fear in real life is not from zombies that want to eat your brain, or the ghost that came back from the afterlife to open your fridge while you slept.
True fear is when you cry in the corner of your small room for some food and water. When you are constantly shamed and humiliated for years and you can't see the end of it.
I want you to feel this type of terror because this is what child abuse really is, and I think more people should talk about it.
This is not a walking simulator, and this game does not rely on jump scares. You play as a mentally ill person who suffers from panic disorders.
You play as me..."

As you can see, our game developer here has not had it easy, assuming this is true. So please, be considerate in your comments and send your prayers and best wishes to this man in the hopes that we see him return to developing this amazing game.


He's still active on Reddit. He's fine.


Whats stopping him to drop by here and give us an update? Maybe he forgot user and pass?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Oh thats good too hear! I hope he is doing well and will return to this game at some point. It has a lot of potential for sure. I will edit my post a bit in this case. 

Are you able to reach him on reddit perhaps and ask?

I tried to reply to him on a comment that at least had something to do with this website (he's very active but to avoid suspicion, I didn't want to reply to him on something that was completely unrelated. The comment I replied to was from months ago but I thought it was good enough since he's on a lot of subreddits that have nothing to do with video games or his game and he hasn't talked about his game in a long time). My comment was to warn him to give a public statement on the status of the development of his game as quickly as possible because people are starting to take action and accusing this game of being a scam. One comment from October of this year said that by the end of that month if Adam doesn't give a public update, they'll report the game as a scam and get this site to remove it. It's long past that month, the game is still up and that commenter hasn't said anything else since, so I can only speculate on whether or not the commenter went through with reporting it or changed their mind. I made it clear to Adam that while I'm worried about the development of his game too and want him to make a transparent statement on how it's going instead of being silent, I was more worried about his game possibly being removed behind his back because people are crying "scammer." I told him that my main message was for him to make an update as quickly as possible before someone takes it down when he's not looking, I don't even care if it's cancelled or not at this point. It's been about a week since I posted that comment and he has yet to respond.


>I was more worried about his game possibly being removed behind his back

He's had his back turned on the game for over a year. There's no way he hasn't seen any comments regarding this game, either here or on reddit. This game should be taken down, if not because of it's abandonment then because it's been "30% off" since October '23


Update for my own problem, i post here a while ago. 

For all who had the problem, that the game starts with a black screen.  It is a problem with the Unreal Engine on my Computer, not a problem of the game. This is important Try launching it with -ngxdisable in the "properties" box. It works for me now.  And so  i am happy to play this awesome and fantastic game. Thanks for this game, Adam !


Bueno, me pasé para ver si había alguna actualización y todo sigue igual. 

Me rallé mucho en el final del episodio (que compré como fundadora) porque esperaba que hubiera algo más y no sabía si era cosa mía que no sabía averiguar algún puzzle o simplemente era lo mismo (lo segundo sería lo más cierto)

Entiendo que es una buena entrega y que ha habido mucho sacrificio, voluntad y amor, y está bien que pidas apoyo financiero para poder mantenerte mientras trabajas en el desarrollo.

También entiendo que a veces la vida te lleva por otros derroteros, quizás ahora no estés con ánimos para trabajar en ello o sí lo estás haciendo y andas enclaustrado, no sé. 

Me gustaría pedirte por favor que des alguna información o señal de vida, aunque sea que tuviste una crisis existencial o un gran problema o lo que sea y que por ello no has podido avanzar. Si es con honestidad y cariño, todo irá bien. Y si sale gente hate nos los comemos!!

En fín, espero que todo vaya bien. 


Adam...please, I hope You are still working hard on this. Maybe some difficulties in Your personal life? But don´t abandon us. This is still the best looking horror game so far and I love this theme, setting, atmosphere...I need to play more of this. If this was all for nothing, still, I love to play the Chapter One from time to time. Great stuff, man. 

yeah you are right man im watting to the part 2

wow rly loocks nice :)

Tried to play the demo by launching both .exe but I just had a blackscreen and nothing ever happen... Is it just because my graphic card is not powerful enough ?
In anyway, the game looks gaddamn amazing !! *o*


great game, cheers


Purchased for $10.00 300 days ago (45% off)

And still no update in those 300 days


If you're really that pressed over $10 I think you may have more to worry about than an update


go away boy

10$ is 10$ and its money


everyone needs to stop being so entitled. ADAM DOES NOT OWE YOU AN EPISODE 2. nor does he owe you updates on the games progress.

i bought founders edition and would I like another episode Hell yeah, does he owe me one NO 

this guy probably has a busy life and a day job chill tf out XD

i paid for episode 1 and thats what i got. 

adam dont let these people get to you, thankyou for a awsome game and hope you are doing well.


Actually, he does. 

It is mentioned the 2nd episode would be released in FULL in the very near future. Vague? Yes. Owed? 100

(1 edit) (+1)(-8)

he owes you it does he hahahahahaha funny cuz i dident see that in the terms and conditions when buying the first episode, iff you only bought ep1 expecting 2episodes then you should have waited till 2 were released you mong


If you use those things called eyes to read, and read the description up above on the game, it literally says when you buy the Founders edition, which is the one edition you can buy, you get episode 1 and it comes with episode 2 as well, as it will be finished "soon" according to the description. Now there is no episode 2 left, so thus yes he at least owes us one more episode.


Wow this was absolutely really really great game I like it very much and the game looks absolutely great can't wait to play more I hope to see more anyway well done keep it up!

(2 edits) (+10)(-3)

I supported this game when it first came out. Paid a premium price for the game too. Does anyone have any concrete proof or links to Adam working on this game still? I mean he said part 2 was 90% done a YEAR ago. No posts, no updates, no information publicly anywhere.  If you have proof that he is 1) Still alive 2) Working on the project (with active links or screen shots of live production ) 3) Any release date of the other parts?. If you have no proof then anything you say like "yeah he is still working on it, or I spoke to him the other day" Means absolutely nothing. I don't want to hate on the guy or say anything bad because the game is great. However a year with no public updates, no more trailers, development insights? Yeah that is not okay and not on, even the newest of developers keep there customers in the loop. All in all this feels like a con and an empty promise until Adam proves otherwise.


The aliens took him away (?


it is okay he doesent owe you another installment nor does he owe you a explaination, I have for the record seen footage of the 2nd installment on his youtube channel

(1 edit) (+10)

He actually does owe us a second episode. The game was sold on the pretense that episode 2 was 90% complete. Meaning it was supposed to be a guaranteed release. It's actually illegal in the United States to sell people a product based on a lie. The truth is you got duped just like the rest of us. Thats why your here now because you wanted to see if it was released. The fact you have seen the videos of a second episode only backs up the promise of a second episode. That makes your entire argument irrelevant.


Hahaha except im not butt hurt like you i paid for episode 1 i got it. Its pretty simple lol, its not an argument its a fact, he dont owe you shit haha even tho you think he does in your deluded mind. read again... do i want another episode? Yes. Did i buy a pretense of another episode no. I bought..... you guessed it, episode 1 

(1 edit) (+1)

All of that aside. Because you really aren't understanding what makes the whole thing wrong. I spent a few days tracking Adam down online and I found him. Still active on Reddit posting to people. I messaged him and he didn't say anything. Thats expected, but I have enough information now to determine he is more than likely still working on it. He said he truly thinks he has something special with the game. He created Adam. His post to this comment board about the status of this game was less than 6 months ago. He has also been working on it for over 4 and a half years now. All I told him was it would be the right thing to do to at least let us know what's up with the game. 


are you this stupid? When you buy a product that states its a 5 part game. Even in the first chapter, he states chapter 2 is 90% done and will be released soon. Doesn't owe us? We are paying customers. Regardless what you believe it is illegal in many countries to sell a product and not deliver it. That my friend is called a scam.  However you keep being rude and inconsiderate of others and see where that gets you. Your answers prove nothing and actually don't add to this conversation.  Like I said until I see actual evidence of episode 2 being released and officially announced this game will remain a scam in my eyes until proven otherwise. I bought Episode 1, under the impression that Episode 2 would not be far off and then 3, 4, 5 etc. Given how much exposure this game got at release so many high profile gamers / YouTubers / Streamers played the game, there is no way he didn't make money from that.  The fact he is straight up ignoring the public is a massive red flag for me if what teufchirstus said is true. Anyway, have a good day.


just to clear some things up since you seem to think making a game is simple, if you look in to the details of this game you can tell he have put lots of time in to it, and you don't know what's going on in his private life as well, he doesent owe you to tell what he does in private.

Making games takes time no matter if he said 90% is done, it's done when it's done. We all have tons of games to play while waiting for episode 2

(1 edit) (+2)

hi Adam!

thanks for making this incredible game and giving me a unique experience in my favorite alien setting<3<3 i was impressed by the creepy atmosphere and the realism of the game.

please don't abandon this project because it has a huge potential to become legendary


Well done buddy really nice wholesome comment, this is how you show love to a creator and give him inspiration to keep goimg ❤️

Hello. As i played the game the first time, i think wow. Nothing in my mind has changed, but the game won't start anymore. I only get a black screen with a cursor. I wait and wait, but nothing happens. i reinstalled the  game, i reinstalled the nvidia driver. Nothing.  Older driver, newest driver ... nothing.   Please,  know anybody of you what i can do ? It can't be a bug, because i find nothing in google or here.  Please, if anybody know what is to do, please anwer me.  Thanks a lot 


make sure your anti virus is not flagging it

Hi, thans for your reply.  But it don't work, even i look after the antivirus. what can i do ? 


Buy another game and move on with your life. Like with everything else in life...

(2 edits) (+2)

Wtf jasmin071, what's the point of saying that? The guy just wants to play and asks a question peacefully... Why being so freakingcondescending over nothing like that ...

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

Any info about progress in development from the game???! I don't think so... Because nobody cares. At least Adam Dubi don't care. Sorry man, but I think you just pissed everyone off and didn't keep what you promised. The basis of the game was great and truly unique, but I don't believe you will appear on this thread ever again.

Can anybody tell me something positive about the game development? 


Yes. Dont trust developers without roadmap and keeping delivery of what was promised in that roadmap.

I can tell you positively that the game is no longer in development lol


I hope you won't leave us out here waiting for your games while you doing something else, why dont you update us what is actually happening?

Logged in for the first time in a year to see if there was an update on episode 2 being released and I am seeing comments regarding no one hearing from Adam for around a year. 

Very sad because the game has so much potential, even if he sold the game over to a small development team to take it over (if this was possible). Would be nice to feel it more in depth at the next stage of the game. Never mind.


Very good game. Loved playing it. Hopefully the second part is coming soon.


Hey Mr.Adam 

I didn't mean to troll

but are you still alive ?

you stop posting for a year now


Dont get your hopes up. Game is dead. Dude is in the business of selling tank tops.

Any proof? I have no doubt that the game isn't dead, but if you have proof that the creator is doing a completely different job somewhere else, then at least I can stop hoping that the game isn't completely dead and finally bury it.

(2 edits) (+1)

Could you please do some minor research before posting misinformation? 

Yes, I've also googled Adam Dubi who has his own fashion brand. However, that person is from New York. The developer of Chordosis is from Hungary. Believe me or not, there could be more than one person with the same name in the world.


Terminando esse jogo maravilhoso!

Joguei e narrei os acontecimentos de chordosis! Mal posso esperar para a próxima parte, o jogo tem um nível de detalhes e densidade de cenário incrível!


Fantastic alien abduction horror game, the best I've played to date!  It was an amazing experience playing through this full Founder's Edition.  Good luck to you in the future and cannot wait for the next part.  Good job!

Fantastic demo, best alien horror game I have ever played.  I was happy to showcase it on my channel.  You have real talent and I cannot wait to play the full game very soon!  Good job!

Uma Joia Rara!

O jogo é simplesmente incrível, ótima construção de tensão, sonoplastia aterrorizante, incentivo a exploração na medida certa e um construção de cenário impecável!


any word on when ep2 is out?


Dont get your hopes up

Why ? is the game abandoned?


Very much alive and moving forward


Where are you getting this info? As far as I can tell, Adam Dubi hasn't posted anything online since the end of last year


Do we know is he even alive?


This game is a hidden gem. I can't wait for episode 2. I hope a popular streamer plays this so the developer can get more support.


Adam if you don't know how to properly  code a control scheme please give up making video games, neither the gamepaddle nor the M&K work with this title. Was really looking forward to playing this. But your incompetent at best on how to code things correctly so they work at least somewhat! I could sit here and map the control scheme for you with my own software, but its not my game not my responsibility. 

For others out there thinking about this game, hard pass it til the Developer knows what hes doing, this mistake is 3rd grade tech mistake at the outside. Don't waste your money, try the echo paradox or Cassiculus if you want a scary experience and they are both free.and can be found on steam!! 

Had really wanted to play this, but kindergarten tech mistake as an indie developer, is not something i,m going to let slide. This feels to me like you got lazy with making sure the controls were working as intended and just threw layer on top of another to get you by, sad that you actually thought that would fly. 


I had a f'ing blast playing this.. Haven't tried much like it. Crawl back inside your self. Please.


Bro what are you on about? imagine going to your job and your boss tear you down and tell you that you aren't worth anything and that you should just quit, wouldn't feel very good. Don't be rude to Adam just because you are incompetent and smooth-brained


dude i enjoyed this a lot dont be an ass to somone making a great game and doing there best, there is a free demo if you try that and dont like it then dont buy it, and the games only 6 dollers, get over your self

(1 edit) (-8)

I agree with you. Also graphic settings are too complicated to setup and that 3d box inventory in the game is horrendous. Could be much more simpler as a separate screen and  not a 3d object.


the box inventory is more unique and immersive than most games, i find it to be one of the most interesting parts of the gam


its a u problem not the dev... controls work fine


Step off your pedestal and explain into the crowd why you’re being condescending. 😒

Deleted 6 days ago

shut tf up man how petty can u get. It works fine for everyone but u it seems so maybe just get good


still waiting for episode 2. idk why I wasted my money


nice game


Cl icky

I played through the Demo and now this version. I think there's a lot of potential for a good series. I'm looking forward to the think Episode. Great Job Guys ;)

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

First episode and the sneak peek play well, look incredible, sounds amazing and is overall just a fantastic experience, but what tf is going on with episode 2? A year ago it was 90% finished, with seemingly no change since then? I understand if the 90% turned out to be 75%, but the lack of communication since SEPTEMBER LAST YEAR is pretty lacklustre. Nonetheless, hope everything is going well for the developer, and I don't wish to throw any shade, cause I couldn't even make a single asset for a game; I only wish there was more communication.

EDIT: I saw the comment made by the developer further down. It's nice to see some form of update, especially considering there still seems to be a lot of passion for the game, along with unique approaches to sound design, to put it mildly.
I apologise if the previous statement does come off as frustrated, but I'd still recommend somewhat regular updates via the development log or something similar. Keeping your fans and supporters appraised of the situation is a sure-fire way to avoid having your comment section look like it does on this page. Once again, best of luck, godspeed and have fun with it.


Hi Guys! im a founder edition buyer. Any dates for the second episode??? Keep the good work!


Problem is a lack of communication with users (customers). Nobody would question anything if dev just tell us how far is it from release (month, 6 months, a year). Doesnt matter how long just that we have some basic deadline so that we dont ask questions all the time if the release is more than 6 months away but we will ask in 6 months whats happening and we should be getting some answers. Also it would be good to put game on Steam as a demo or early access but that thing didnt happen. Question is why? Also if the dev doesnt think this will be completed in some reasonable time it would be fair to just say it. No one will hold a grudge but majority of people doesnt have time to wait on this 5 years. I mean either you work on this full time or part time every day or you dont, because if the dev works on this 3 hours a week or even month then I cant see this completing soon. I bought it for 10 bucks and I had my share of fun but I dont expect anything more from this. If second episode comes I will play it but if not I wont be mad.


What a rambling useless giant paragraph that you wrote...




I don't understand why people hate criticism so much. If it weren't for criticism, in this world everyone would do whatever they want, however they want, and nothing would give a head or a tail. Plus, jasmin071's post isn't so much critical as it is an honest reminder to the developers. And he's right... Sure, give my comment the dislike too, because that's the only thing you know how to do. You get a little bit of a grievance and you kick around. Lots of people here have begged the developer to give some feedback, some hope... but think about it... if Adam doesn't make his project known, the project will fade into the oblivion. I honestly don't want him to post a release date for the second episode here, even an approximate one... it would be fine with me if he posted a few times a month that he's okay and working on the project. There's nothing wrong with that...

Constructive criticism is one thing. Patronization and complaining are another and both unnecessary to the process of creativity and time. 

It takes professional devs working under the highest companies with the latest techonologies years to complete a full game. This is a single dev, and at the time of my writing, it’s been less than a year since  they single-handedly released Episode 1. All any of us have is time to wait for something we want to be released.

I understand receiving a release date would relieve people. But being given a time frame won’t finish the next piece any faster, and isn’t even a guarantee. Even top developers from top studios will attempt to assuage the crowd’s impatience only to push release dates again and again, with people feeling pissed off anyway. Besides, record shows that the smaller the studio, the more likely a release will be closest to when content is more or less “finished” rather than way in advance.

Just chill. It’ll come out when it comes out and be as great as the first. If people don’t wanna wait, then forget it. If you don’t want to forget, then wait.

whats happening with this? Thought a second episode was coming


Meanwhile I doubt that there will be a full version. Purchased very long time ago, no news since then. Too sad...because the paid demo was nice.


I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Looking forward to the next Episode. Keep us posted


A year has already passed and there is no news on the game, how should purchase support work? or that the developer got lost with the money from his demo?


As I said before: Don't worry, it will be out in 2026, December probably. No rush, everything is under control :)



Maybe you should take a better approach with your questions next time. After playing and experiencing this game he created, I am fully confident that he will /is producing more episodes. 

Don't assume negative reasoning, it makes you look like a pompous idiot. 

ps - keep up the great work Adam. You are an incredible artist.


Maybe you need to read the other reports/replies here before assuming..... @bigbigcarl. 

End of the day OP is correct, it's been a year and a lot of promises were made.... With no responde from Adam himself of emails from myself and many others in this comment section and the fact that he hasnt posted for MONTHS when the game will acc be released given people have PAID FOR this in full!


Yes, you are the only one who understood what the problem was and did not write, childish nonsense


I feel this. I paid about $25 total, which was at the time, to get my name included in the credits.... Never heard back from him funny enough, and multiple people had the same. Over a year since this was "nearly there." With no word back. Honestly think it's a con at this point and I've wasted $25.


Read the comments two months ago and it's clear he's still working on the game. If it was a con, he could just have pretended to not see all these comments, but instead Adam Dubi replied with a very long and detailed response about his current progress in the game that is obviously not just fabricated.

Also, the sheer amount of detail and passion that is on display in chapter one alone makes it pretty clear that it's not just some scammer - they would try to maximize their time by making something a lot less detailed.


fuck, open your fucking eyes, bitch, and read carefully, he doesn’t have more than one social network where he would post about his work like many normal developers!!!!!!


Maybe read my comment and then try again. I said scroll down to two months and read the dev's comment. And if you actually played the game, you would realize this guy isn't exactly your average developer. He's not the most communicative but he makes up for that with how insanely talented he is at game design. You play the game and tell me another game made by a single person that's higher quality than this.

This didn't age well.

wow nice work

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