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Adam, any update on ep. 2?

Waiting.... :D

I love your game but I have some suggestions. Resolution settings are unnecessary complicated. Just put all possible resolutions in a drop down menu. Also text (press any key) is too small on 2K monitor (2560x1440). Also is it possible to test episode two in early stage? And what is the exclusive content for Founders edition? Something that is available now or its a plan for the future? Thanks for answers.


First of all, congratulations on the project. Nagyon vagany lett! I have so many questions. How long did it take you to make this? Are you a solo developer? Are you working in the industry? Did you have modelers working with you on this or was this a solo effort on your end? Sorry for the multitude of questions, but as a solo developer myself I am just super curios. I am extremely happy that the audience finally found you and wish you the best!

Great game. Love that opening, seeing the 3 lights move reminded me of something out of the X files.Will you be needing any voice actors for future titles?

when full release?


Hey, sry to write this here but i thought your demo was AMAZING so i went to purchase your game Was met with error codes but was still charged twice and did not receive the game. Help?

Hey, Thank you so much for the kind words!

I just have a storefront here, and I don't manage any payments at all. Please reach out to the itch support with the error codes.


Simply amazing. I bought the full version and made an account here just to come and say that was bloody amazing. One of the best looking PC games I've ever seen on my 3080ti and it was made by one person. Unbelievable. I'm left wanting more and a full size AAA game with deep single player campaign one day would be epic!!

(1 edit)

Hey Adam Dubi, do you have a link to the music you've used in the slideshow room? Those tunes are amazing, I was vibing so hard to them xD Did you make them yourself?

Also wanted to say, I have left a review but wanted to mention it here in the comments. Thank you so much for this game, the atmosphere and sound design is the best I've ever felt in a game before. Honestly I haven't experienced atmosphere like this since S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and that game is in my top 6 of all time. You should be seriously proud of yourself and to even offer 30% off on this game, you're doing the lords work xD Well done Adam!

I'm having issues with the graphics settings being persistent. Setting to high which is all 0.7 or medium which is all 0.4 but when I go back in the sliders are all in different places. Only setting to ultra will the sliders stay at 1. How comes?

(6 edits)

Seems that there are certain values that the game will pick for you and depending how close you are on the slider to that value it'll set it to a higher or lower "pre-sets", bit odd.

Also I'm having serious framerate issues. Some parts of the game are running are 110 FPS and others are running at 29FPS. Most of the game jumps around from 55 - 80FPS.  Also there are segments like at the garage when you collect the fuel cannister that sometimes it'll have a stutter and drop to 15 - 20FPS and won't go back up, saving the game somehow stops it, very odd.

Great game but the optimisation of the graphics is a big issue. I'm also noticing strange light flashing artefacts when looking at the light sources or looking at the console when running the game in DLSS balanced or performance. Goes away when put into quality but the game runs really terribly. I'm using a 2060 RTX card with an i5 9600k and 16GB of RAM so I wouldn't think this would be an issue given the stated recommended specs. 

Also when you get to the towers with the orange lights if the shadows aren't set to 1 the lights look blurry, have lines in them and looks as if they are made of squares. Wouldn't be so bad if you could adjust the slider but it's either 0, 0.5 or 1. The game won't let you set shadows or any other graphics setting to anything else other than it's predetermined pre-sets. Well it will but as soon as you leave the menu and go back into it, it's been set to its closest value pre-set as mentioned above in my first paragraph.

very cool game so far. The atmosphere is incredible, the sound design is top tier, and the environments are amazing. Loved the easter egg, and the second episode can't come soon enough!

I did experience a weird bug with the first cart that gives you an item. My frame rate got super low as I entered the room before you drop down into the area where you call the cart, so P saved and quit right after I hit the button. This caused the cart not to show the inventory and I couldn't grab the item when I loaded my save. Caused me to go on a wild detour looking for the item I needed. I decided to start a new file and everything worked fine after that. Just letting you know about an extreme outlier thing I encountered, but still an awesome game from a solo dev.

can't wait for more!

(2 edits)

first I played and finished the demo, it was pretty short but intriguing. Then I uninstalled the demo and downloaded the founder edition that I just purchased. I ran the game and instinctively clicked on "continue", I was instantly greeted wit the most annoying puzzle. I don't like starting a game trapped in a room or a corridor with a puzzle to solve to exit.

But I still didn't realize, I had to actually click on "new game" in the main menu to enjoy the founder's edition from the start. So I eventually gave up the puzzle and started a new game.

Looks promising, but the car's steering wheel is in bad need of centering. This bothered me also in the demo. And now I kinda dread t to think that I will still have to solve that corridor puzzle at some point in the game.

Other than that the atmosphere is TOP NOTCH, and the foliage is so realistic and detailed! The game as a whole is a work of incredible quality and I love it.


What an incredible prologue to a very promising game! So looking forward to streaming the second episode for my community <3


Dude, I just want to congratulate you. Good fucking job. Extremely good atmosphere, eargasm audio, what a sight for sore eyes this game is. Cannot wait for part 2.  Hopefully it's almost done. Keep up the great work!


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but with a ryzen 5 5600g, 16gb ram and an RTX 2060 on medium / dlss balanced I can barely hit 70 fps and I think that I should have a better performance at least at medium with dlss

upcoming chapters are going to be free for those who purchase the founders edition now? or will it be a separated purchase?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, Absolutely not!

All the upcoming episodes will be just a free update for everyone who owns the CHORDOSIS - FOUNDERS EDITION.

Edit: so far as I'm testing stuff out, it seems like it's gonna be a 2gig update, but it"s really hard to keep my memory footprint relatively low.


cool 😎✨ take your time buddy, you can't hurry art.

Thank you! :)


Any updates on Part 2?


6 months waiting for "90% finished" part 2 is a bit suspect 

(1 edit) (+4)

how? It’s literally one person making this game. Lol. I bet you’re completely fine with AAA games taking 7 years to develop, only to come out broken, at $70, with day one microtransactions/DLC - yet you’ll criticize a SEVEN dollar game made by one person taking 6 months. Gtfo.


This game is fucking amazing.
If you're not 100% sure about buying then please just watch the intro to my YouTube video.


the sound 🤤

Thank you!!! <3

(2 edits)

Graphics are absolutely amazing, the tension, the atmosphere, the suspense, it is all there, story is brilliantly told. Only thing, I would also vote for getting rid of entirely or changing the enemy creature from the sneak peek into the next episode. As one of the early commenters already said, the Lost-like smoke monster and the lights themselves retain the mystery and I think it is better to keep it that way. Also when all the people were floating at the end of episode one, I think no creature is needed at all in the center,just the light and the floating people seem creepy enough, also keep more of the mystery, not reveal what is causing it. Kudos for your work, unbelieavble that one man could pull this off, keep up the work, this is absolutely just amazing! 

When will the game be available on Steam ?

I am not going to lie, this has been the best cosmic alien horror game I have ever played, I am so ready for Episode II when it releases and you bet I will be one of the first to hop onto the bandwagon for it.  Please Adam, keep up the great work. you have flabbergasted me with this game 💚


(2 edits)

Watched Vinesauce play this months back but just got round to playing it myself. Probably the most atmospheric horror games I've ever played. The visual polish and Annihilation-esque sound design are phenomenal. The only criticisms I have are:

- That the animation was very stiff and rudimentary at times (the deer, the guy's fingers, the aliens, especially the giant one doing a static pose in the light at the end) and as brief as they were, when the visuals are so realistic, they kinda take you out of it.

- No HDR support. I forced it via the usual Unreal ini tweak and it worked almost perfectly but the screen space shaders don't look right (noise, lens flare and bloom are all way too strong). Would be nice to have official support because this game's lighting is perfect for it.

- The aliens come off as kinda goofy and generic, juxtaposed against the thick and mysterious atmosphere. Something more creative (as in Annihilation, Arrival, etc.) would be more interesting. The Lost smoke monster thing was more interesting than the actual aliens.

But the atmosphere was so good that as long as you can keep it up, I will continue to play for that alone.

So how far in should I expect the aliens to appear?

i bought the founders edition but im still not sure what the exclusive episode even is 


hello, I was curious when the full chapter 2 will be out.


ditto! more please! :D


yeeeees weee neeeed moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....pls :)

I'm home alone and it's dark and I couldn't last more than 3 minutes in  :,,,^)

Picked up a syringe and the UI prompt got stuck on screen. Persisted even to the main menu. Only played for half an hour but seriously enjoying it so far!

keep getting this with demo download :(


holy fucking shit is all i have to say! this game is fucking amazing. had me screaming like a little bitch lmao i really hope they keep going even after the 2nd episode releases. why hasnt this game blown up yet??? IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!


Well..I have never spent money on anything like this before. I’m not one to like, subscribe to a patreon, or buy something from a certain place to get exclusive or early access. Hell, I didn’t even have an account till now. I just buy games I like off Steam, or the PS5 etc. But when I came across this game on Reddit…I had to have it. For $7, I feel like I robbed someone. I know this isn’t a complete game yet, but what is present is…incredible. I can’t believe this was made by one person. The whole time I’ve been playing, I just look at the art direction and texture work, and say “really?? This is the work of ONE person?” Keep up the great work, my friend. And to anyone on the fence…just buy it. Support this one man operation!


Best 7 bucks I've spent.

This game has a level of quality I have not seen in a long time, everything is refined and polish to the extent I was convinced this was made by a team. My only complaint is that there isn't more, but Episode 2 is looking even better and bigger.

Keep up the amazing work, dude, I genuinely can't wait to see this grow into a one-of-a-kind game.


This Game Really Blew me out of the Water and it DOES FEEL LIKE a AAA Horror Game. Excited for chapter 2!!!


It really feels incredibly well made. Better than a lot of AAA horror games. It's just sad that it's so short in its current state. Can't wait to see more!

HOLA , SOY DE CHILE iii bueno contarte que el juego esta genial me encanto su ambientacion , lo jugue completo en directo , te compre la vercion  FOUNDERS EDITION y esotoy esperando la 2 parte , saludos desde muy lejos !!! abrasos , aun no tines fecha para el episodio 2 ??? 


Hello, Adam. All good?

I really liked your games and I'm very interested in Chordosis, however I tried running the demo on my Steam Deck and even on the minimum settings it is very stuck and with low fps. Do you have any plans to optimize the game for this console?


Unfortunately on my pc it runs extremely slow and doesn't want to load the saved games. I've sent the developer an email. Waiting to hear back

Hey! Thank you for the feedback!
I'll look trough my mails in just a bit, but a quick question.

Have you extracted the game at all? You can run CHORDOSIS from the .zip, but it will be really really slow, and you can't save that way.
I recommend using the official app for managing larger games like mine.


This is literally the best alien encounter game I have ever played. Everything that I would imagine in a "hostile invasion" is in this game. The vibes, the creepy factor, all the way down to the way the sound design is. I can't say enough good things about this game, it's INSANELY good. I can't wait for episode two, it's going to be phenomenal! 


Bought this on a whim, looks quite promising!


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