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(1 edit) (+2)

dude this is amazing i am so torn as to what to write here as 50% of me wants to say take your time with this dont rush it out before its done while 50% of me is screaming, no! you cant end it there! gimme episode 2 ! great work man any eta on ep2?

-edit omg i just realised when the universal unreal vr mod comes out this will be in vr!!!!! i cant wait for that!!!! 


   This game was incredible!! Never have I been so impressed by an Indi Game before. Going through the first chapter was breathtaking, the graphics alone look so real and the atmosphere was spot on! For the mechanics, it reminded me a lot of Resident Evil 7 and I absolutely love that! The use of fogging when looking at your Inventory was a very good touch as well. The effects and sound design were even better then I hoped, to hear aliens in the woods, had me on edge! Anyways Just wanted to say thanks for such a cool game, and please keep going with it! 10 out of 10! 

  I did also record my playthrough as well for anyone who would like to see things first hand and my reaction with it, this is part 1 of 2 videos so stay tuned for part 2.    ~Notlad


OH MY GOD. sound design, megalophobia, graphics (detailed where it should be), local (place/country) legends... oh my. oh my. oh my. you are VERY talented person. thank you for your work. will buy it asap and wait for part 2! <3


Adam. This game is truly phenomenal, it deserves a spot as GOTY even though its not finished... Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see more!

(1 edit) (+4)

I love that there were no cheesy jump scares in this game. The music and sound effects were enough to keep me on the edge of my seat! Also, that lone guy just staring up at the sky was a nice touch! Can't wait for the next episode! 


I thought this was very good, I'll be buying myself a copy of the full version. Looking forward to more. Good job


This game had insane graphics and detailed work and it shows the dev put heart and soul into this project and its wonderful thanks for this great game experience 

and cant wait for chapter 2 to finally release!!


I love the chapter one! can´t wait for chapter 2


Hello Adam, I really enjoy the demo, the atmosphere is perfect. I loved exploring the creepy area and I can't wait to do the next part. Great job, i'm glad to be a founder ! ;) 


Anyone heard back from this ? I paid extra to get names featured in part 2.... Sent off an email about the names being included in part 2, heard nothing back.

I know I only paid an extra $15 but still... Anyone heard back from the email adress ?

So I am not the only one... But in my case it was because of a technical problem. I can't activate NVIDIA NIS in the settings. When I click on it nothing happens. Without it I have extreme stutters. GTX 1070 / i7-8700. So I send Adam an email. No response. I send another email. No response. So yeah, I don't know what's going on. Very worried about the game and sad, because the game is really amazing! 


Thank you so much for your feedback, and for attaching a video even. Truly helps a lot.
I'm really sorry, your mail went to spam and I completely missed them.
I will be more careful from now on.

Your CPU scored "12901" on
This is great, basically anything is good above 5000 for 4K@30

Your GPU should be also great for around FullHD@30 gameplay, but keep in mind that CHORDOSIS is a brand new next-gen title and it uses a lot of new technologies that were not available when your GPU was released in 2016.

However, I wanted to push the game out to as many people as possible, so I even delayed the release to include NIS natively. (fog disabling and more fog settings are also in the works, and they should help with older configs)

I tested CHORDOSIS on a 1060 6GB GPU with NIS enabled and everything worked fine.
The only thing I noticed that NIS doesn't support "borderless fullscreen".
I used this pretty cool guide to troubleshoot:

And about the FOV.
I get this requested a lot, so I'll definitely include a FOV slider in the future, but it will need a lot of testing.

CHORDOSIS has a dynamic FOV system, and it defaults back to 105, which is a relatively large number, because... well, while I get it why, I just really hate small FOV in horror so I tried to cap it to as high as possible. (for an example RE7 FOV ls capped at 90.)
There's no way to go above 105 as the game starts to fall apart.

The slider will express the option to the player to change the FOV between 80 - 105

Thank you so much again for your feedback, and I'm sorry I missed your mail.
If you experienced this in the past and you think it could be helpful, then feel free to hit me up and I could ask Apple what's up. Might help.


Hello David, thanks for your response! Nvidia NIS is activated on my system, but I still can't activate it in the games settings. But I can activate Nvidia DLSS which must be a bug because my GTX 1070 doesn't support it.... so there is something wrong. :(  This is the first game I have a problem, I hope you find out what's causing this bug and bring out an update. I love the game!!  



Thank you so so much for your support!!!
Yes absolutely!
I'll reach out in the very near future in bulk from my official email.


Deleted 1 year ago

Just played chapter one and liked it. The sounds and the atmosphere are pure goosebumps. I also think the level design was very good. I hope the money will help you creating many more similarly exciting chapters and finaly make a good game out of it.


Such a good game and excited for the next episodes :D

I like to collect soundtracks. And the music for this game sounds awesome.

Will be great to have a dedicated soundtrack available here for download.

I'll be happy to pay for it and show my support.

Fingers crossed.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Adam, purchased and recorded the game about 3 months ago and my Subs and I loved it. Any way to get access to Chapter 2? you said it is 90% finished, just minor things will change, so we know it wont be 100% perfect, but my subs are chomping at the bit to see if I can get early access to it for them to see LOL Thanks bud 


I think the game will not be finished. I bought the game and can't play it because I can't activate Nvidia NIS in the settings. I've send an email to Adam but I'm getting no response. I'm very disappointed, I thought he cares about the game and the people who supports him. 

I paid extra for the game and sent my name to be included in part 2... Heard nothing back, only sent an extra $15 but still... Money is money 🤷‍♂️. let me know if he responds to you please.


Personally i dont think you should include EP:2 in the founders edition, i feel that would be underselling yourself,  i felt 7 dollars was exceptional value for money for EP:1 ...  infact id happily pay 15-20 dollars per episode XD


This game had me just breathless all around best horror alien game out there thanks for you hard work it shows!!!

Show post...

Hello. I have a commercial deal for you. Please PM thorugh discord : benjemin07



great game but fov way too high! please add the option to change it. 


for the first chapter definitely a good start not to much to do but introduces you to the concept of the game, absolutely nails the atmosphere its very scary and unsettling cant wait for more


Pretty cool. I was honestly expecting more graphic wise but it still looks very nice.

I truly hope this continues development. Early access is always hit and miss. There really isn't anything IMO to judge which way this game will go, It's very very early access with some walking and exploring.


What more exactly could you expect graphic wise? The game is incredibly detailed. This is chapter 1, It's not "early access". 


 I'm not sure what you mean. The game is detailed in what way? Visually, textures are very mediocre up close. From a distance, yes, quite nice.

I was under the impression this was still being developed. If chapter one is complete. Yikes.


What did you expect from 1 developer and a $7.00 game? I can smell the entitlement from here..


I don't see why you are so offended about this guys constructive non toxic criticism, he doesn't seem that entitled you just seem like a crybaby. Literally everything else he said was praising the game

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

lol. Kick rocks.


Imagine coming out to Itch.IO expecting top quality Triple-SSS games.

Nice to see a normal, level headed person. 

The majority of posts here are: omfg best game evarrrrrr!!!!


You've got to be fucking kidding me!!! Do you even know what it takes to develop a game as a solo developer? Absofuckinglutely not, because otherwise, you wouldn't be spewing venom like this Yikes!!!

You must be delusional if you think this doesn't look amazing, especially  for what a solo developer can do on his own... Either that or you are running it on a potato and can't fully enjoy it. Show the man some goddamn respect, choom!

(2 edits) (+3)


Please read this before commenting here about failed downloads of itch games. is currently going through a CDN migration, and there are several issues with game downloads.

Please keep in mind that neither I nor the community can do anything about it, except itch.

Unfortunately, there was a small peak of hate speech in the comment section of my game due to this issue.
I'm sorry you had to go through an issue like this, whether it's for paid or free games.

I'm sure itch is working really hard on their process, and for further questions, please reach out to them.

(1 edit) (+2)

Looks like I'm not the only one who can't play because the download reaches a certain percentage and either stops or restarts..

Update: Download finally worked and so far I have to say the atmosphere is very pleasing, graphics are incredibly detailed and runs smoothly on my pc, and the gameplay so far gives me good hope for the future of the project. 


Ultra Realistic wow that game really hot.

How to stabilize FPS on PC, any recs: 99% good, some fps dips when saving/ transitions. [ RTX 2060 Ryzen 5 3.7 16GB RAM]

(1 edit)

Any chance this will be optimized for the steam deck with the steam release? I got it to run so-so on the lowest settings, just wasn't the smoothest experience in some debris-heavy rooms but its close in most parts of the game! Either way, on the lowest settings it was still a beautiful game. I'm seriously so stoked to play this when more episodes are released. The sound, visuals, environment, DUUUUDE everything is so good. Amazing work.


wow.  just wow.  Very nicely done.  crazy how I would watch others gameplay on this game and I realized I missed so much stuff!  lol  Very Creepy game.  how it should be when dealing with aliens  A++


The visuals were stunning and the atmosphere was absolutely out of this world, made me incredibly uncomfortable, can't wait for more


A stealth mechanic (If not already being worked on) would do wonders for the overall experience. Seeing the inspiration from  Frictional Games, either way with or without, this is phenomenal!!!



best looking first-person game hands down. Please work on making the firearms look (viewmodel), sound and feel better. 


i really liked the gunplay to be honest


First time buying anything on, found you through Jacksepticeye's video. Thank you so much for making this. It really does check all the boxes for me! Hopefully you'll get the funding you need to continue this project to the very end.

The beginning left a lot of wonder and a ton of questions for the player, after getting through parts of the first Episode, I found the pacing to pick up from steady-state to rushed. The story was quite interesting and I would've loved some more development there. I would absolutely love to see where this goes and hopefully Episode One maybe gets a few more scenes added into it in the final version or gets expanded upon.

Episode two felt very tense and absolutely phenomenal scene wise, much like the first. The scene building, sound design and creatures are spot on. 

I would love to see more from you! So far it looks very promising and I am sure you'd do very well on other platforms like Steam & Epic. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! You've definitely got a hit here :-)!

Best of luck to you Adam! 


This is the first time I've ever donated to a project on Itch and HOLY SHIT this was phenomenal. I've got a decent tolerance for horror games in the sense of most of them don't tend to put me on edge or genuinely scare me; but this game has got to be the first to do it. Outlast 1 & 2, P.T, Dead Space. None of them have made me as nervous and anxious as this did. Well done and I'm excited to see episode 2. 

I only had a few frame drops and v-sync was the only thing able to let me stream the game, but I'll link my YT video to it when I export it, but for now it's up on my twitch for the next 14 days.


Super cool game man! I wish you well with the rest of the development, I am super impressed with how much work you have done and how high quality the game is considering it was made by a solo developer. This is the first time I have played an alien game and actually super enjoyed the vibe. there are plenty of alien games out there like Alien Isolation, Dead space, XCOM, Half-life & Aliens Colonial marines to name a few, & this game's vibe is just so much better than all of them. I am super hyped for the rest of Episode 2 & any further episodes to come, Keep up the great work!


(MILD INTRO SPOILER WARNING)  This is the first time I have ever commented on an indie game or donated to a project like this. This is a beautiful work of art that I am so excited to see through. I can not express enough how much love I have for this. The music really does it for me, it had my full undivided attention during the intro, something that is very hard as I struggle greatly with focus. The music along with the jaw-dropping artistic choice of going from a terrifying first person perspective of jumping out of building followed by a peaceful silhouette right at the climax. I can go on and on but what I am getting at is this game made me feel strong emotions while playing, just like when I was younger playing games. You are doing an amazing job and I cannot wait to see more. 


played this for my stream on twitch and honest to god.. im so impressed, to be a solo dev and be skilled and passionate enough to put this much work and capture the world that you're building and story in such a not only beautiful way but in absolute perfection. the ambiance and sound design are absolutely incredible, the lighting is something out of this work and just overall a really good piece of art. cannot wait to see what else this has to offer :) (side note.. genuinely thank you to adam, i absolutely love these types of games and seeing someone absolutely nail it is insane, so thank you for sharing your art piece)  My gameplay is saved on my twitch :) 


Holy hell this is one of the coolest things I've played in a WHILE


Persze, hogy jacksepticeye-nál kellet látnom, hogy van egy zsírkirály magyar fejlesztésű horror indie-játék a láthatáron... Így gondoltam megtámogatlak :)


I bought this game a while ago, now its saying I need to buy again. I wanted to know when Episode 2 is out for the game. Is that included in the base price or are they priced up individually? Its a great game and I look forward to the future of this project. I also played it here: 


how to get update when an update is available?

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